Sunday, September 26, 2010

In Washington D.C. By Geniusofdespair

I am visiting, not going to post on an I Phone. Anyone have anything to say on the report in the Miami Herald on how we spent the stimulus funds in Florida?

Going to all the monuments, especially F.D.R, punctuates the small-minded political climate we are going through. Can't we get beyond this? Didn't we learn anything from our heroes?

Speaking of heroes, there is a USA Today cover story on Marc Buoniconti, who works tirelessly to make life better for others and gives back to Miami ten-fold with his volunteer work.


CATO said...

Since we are borrowing most of this money from the Saudi's and the Chinese don't be surprised if the Palmetto is reposessed by some Prince and used to park his Bentley's and Gold Plated Benz's or when the U Of M suddenly stands for the University of Mao.

Seriously this article is nothing but pro-stimulus propaganda no serious mention or consideration to the size of the "stimulus" or the debt being created (just a passing sentence or two).

Between Bushama bailouts and the "stimulus" we are digging a hole that might take a decade or two if not longer too climb out of.

I can't belive some like Gimspierre and G.O.D. are still blinded by partisanship, Obama has been in office two years and there are still 50K troops in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan is a alive and killing plenty.

FDR? You mean the guy who referred to Joseph Stalin as "Uncle Joe" and was surrounded by people who actually thought the Russian model was a good one. The man whose policies actually extended the depression or made it one, as opposed to a deep recession and possibly helped extend the damage to our economy to the present day.

Why don't you visit the Calvin Coolidge memorial if one exist, I'm sure no stimulus money went to that project.

In the mean time I'll start wearing a head dress and sandals and reading my Little Red Book just in case. Hopefully the US Government will use some of that stimulus money to hire one of those cheap Loan Modification attorneys and get us out of this mess.

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys."
P. J. O'Rourke

In this case we should ad hookers to the equation.

Marc Buoniconti lost ALL my respect when he hooked up with Ron Book to bring us the Orwellian red light cameras.

Geniusofdespair said...

Not good about the cameras but he did serve on the ITT board and did a good job representing the public. Book gets his pound of flesh from even good people... If they need funding.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone speak out against the red light cameras? Our quality of life is in the toilet in S.Fla and it starts with people who have a total disregard of our laws.

Geniusofdespair said...

Red light cameras are invasive. Read Animal Farm and 1984 then come read our blog again. You probably like the death penalty too. People are so afraid they are giving up their freedom one drop at a time. Drop, drop, oops the pail is full and you've been scammed into giving up your privacy And just about everything else in the name of something else that is less important-- like your quality of life reader. Don't drink the kool-ade Yep, red light cameras--- hate them.

Anonymous said...

Marc Buoniconti has done a pretty decent job since his horrible accident while playing football. His father Nick must be proud.

His work on the "Project to Cure Paralysis" is a model for UM and for how to recover pro actively with volunteerism, talk about making lemonade out of lemons. WOW!

Glad you enjoyed DC.

Anonymous said...

Besides being invasive, they are being used to raise revenue. Municipal and county governments shouldn't be using them to rectify their own inability to deal with budget shortfalls, inefficiency etc.
Yes, in some ways they are a 'vice' tax on bad drivers, same as the tax on cigarettes (although cigarettes are still for some reason legal, while running red lights is not), but the unConstitutionality of taxing the owner of a vehicle for behavior of the driver (who may not be the owner) and other Big Brother issues is why I'm against them.

CATO said...

Marc sold his soul to Ron Book and sold the rest of us down the river, stop making excuses for him.

The Cameras are nothing but a source of revenue for Lobbyist (Like Book, Marin and DDLP) companies (like ATS) and cities (like Miami). NONE of these ASSHOLES are concerned for our safety or well being they're just finding more creative (and unconstitutional) ways to pick our pockets.

Geniusofdespair said...

Cato unfair to Marc are treading on thin ice...

CATO said...

you are treading on thin ice...

G.O.D. you forgot there's no Ice were I'm at (9th Circle of Hell)