Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Norman Braman Please Say It Ain't So!!! By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Herald reported that Norman Braman is doing a recall of Mayor Alvarez. I wrote this on the Miami Herald website:

To Norman Braman: He is a termed out Mayor. Don't waste your money on him...GET THE COMMISSIONERS OUT THEY ARE NOT TERM LIMITED. I WILL GET SIGNATURES FOR YOU....PLEASE HELP. The Mayor being removed is a waste of time and money. You almost have it right...broaden that net -- I am begging you.

I am depressed now. What does the Mayor have, about 2 years left? Worthless move. There are almost 450 comments on the Herald website, most calling for the Mayor's head. I think they are misguided people lashing out at a paper tiger. He is the wrong target.

Norman: At least recall Natacha Seijas again. I will write about it and get signatures if you at least include Natacha. If you throw in Rolle, I will promise you 500 signatures! Think bigger Norman, please! Hell, with Souto in there, I will get you 1,000. If you include some of the ones who voted on the Marlin's Stadium (which I consider worse than the tax vote) you get to be my BFF too!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what he Braman is doing will actually not do us much good. We do need the Commissioners out not a lame duck Mayor. By the time the recall is done, he will only have about a year and a half left.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice in the last Miami Herald article Braman was a millionaire. In this one he is a billionaire.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone gets it. I will not be supporting this recall.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious Braman has a hard on to screw the Mayor. All the hot air he spewed last week was crap. His only focus is Alvarez. He and his multi millions should really be focused on the real problems-bad commissioners and the big flaw in the system-term limits on commissioners. The Mayor is termed out. This Braman shenanigan is gonna cost the taxpayers 4 million dollars. Yep, $4,000,000 pissed away.

Anonymous said...

I only wish, as someone else suggested, you use the funds to put a charter change on the ballot to term limit commissioners - nopt retro actively! This recall is moot. Alvarez and his boy wonder Burgess have done so much financial damage to this County, if this were Japan, they'd take themselves out in embarassment!

Anonymous said...

Typical Miami Dade Electors want someone else to do thy Bidding.....
Recall the Miami Dade County Commission yourself....
Or Do We the electors not have the fortitude???
The electors of the county shall have the power to propose to the Board of County Commissioners passage or repeal of ordinances and to vote on the question if the Board refuses action, according to the following procedure:

Any member of the Board of County Commissioners, the Mayor, the Property Appraiser, the Sheriff or Constable may be removed from office by the electors of the county, district, or municipality by which he was chosen. The procedure on a recall petition shall be identical with that for an initiatory or referendary petition, except that:
MDC Ordinances..

Geniusofdespair said...

We did a recall already -- we know how and we know the law. Natacha Seijas was recalled but she was voted right back in.

Anonymous said...

Genius, we can thank the PBA for their assistance in intimidating the voters! The Vile One is starting to remind me of an uglier version of Jimmy Hoffa & the AFL CIO! Stick it to the taxpayers, as long as they get theirs!

Geniusofdespair said...

Let me go into more detail. A group of good citizens--including Mayor Michael Pizzi-- got the required signatures to get Natacha Seijas on the ballot for a recall. There was a lawsuit against the validity of signatures, arrests of signature gathers etc. It did get on the ballot....and she was not voted out of office. Story doesn't end there...some people arrested etc.

Anonymous said...

He won't recall Natasha because she is friends with Regalado and Armando Gutierrez.

Cato the Blasphemer said...

Last Anon you hit the nail right on the head, same goes for Bruno (loved his movie though).

Armando Gutierrez is running this show, I too would love to see Alvarez go BUT not if at least Natasha's and Bruno's (both under Armondo's protection) heads roll with his. Otherwise Braman's just acting like Armando's hitman.

G.O.D. I think with the current climate if Jesus Christ were a commissioner and had voted for the tax increase not even he would survive a recall especially a well funded one.

This whole thing reaks worse than my dogs bong bowl.

Anonymous said...

If sufficient signatures are collected then we will hold a countywide election to decide whether to recall Mayor Alvarez.

That countywide election will cost over 2 million dollars.

All to remove a Mayor who is already a lame duck and term limited.

This is a waste of time and taxpayer's dollars.

Anonymous said...

1. Recalling the mayor is about as useful as pissing directly into a wind tunnel.

2. Seijas looks like she's on her way out also

3. Spend the money on an initiative to get term limits for commissioners.

Anonymous said...

God forbid Braman would do something practical like take Richard Dunn in Miami and Dorrin Rolle in the County out of office. It is too easy and not "newsworthy" enough an endeavor.
What a horse's ass Braman is. He just happen to be a rich horse's ass.

Geniusofdespair said...

Person who wrote: Geniusofdespair did you for get that you wrote this about Mayor Carlos Alvarez or we a two face person and do stand by your words.

Putz...what are you getting at? I still like the mayor so how am I two faced? I think he is a good guy and does not deserve to be recalled but you all are going to do it...how am I two-faced And I removed your comment because you PUT YOUR WORDS WITH MINE. Heaven forbid I should be confused with a putz.

Anonymous said...

This is lunacy at its best. What the heck is going on here? If this signature recall is effective, there will be an election-Question will be-do you want to recall the Mayor? If the majority say yes, then Alvarez will be gone and there will be a second election to fill the spot. Holy crap 2 elections in less than 6 months at $4,000,000 each is a boatload of money to piss away, and the real problem will still exist. $8,000,000 pissed away. Is Braman lucid? Is he thinking straight? Is he consumed with hatred of Alvarez? Is he controlled by other forces?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget any possible run-off elections for the Commission Seats that might be vacated if their current occupants run for Mayor.

You could be looking at 3 elections in a 6 month time span.

Robin said...

holy cow Batman, we need a petition drive to stop Braman.

Anonymous said...

Braman is correct. Miami-Dade County is a cess pool.

Carlos Alvarez only gets worked up when he is fighting for his patrons the Marlins or to give massive raises to his favorite friends.

Milly Herrera, Hialeah said...

I and too many are angry at Mayor Carlos Alvarez, but I'll ask the same question - why recall him and not the commissioners? Hmmm...I wonder who is really behind all of this?

I for one want to recall the commissioners!!! Can't we get rid of the county manager, too? At lease he won't have a say in next year's budget or be there to threaten Sally Heyman.

On Seijas - please - I am actually more upset at how the other 4 ladies voted, especially Sorensen. Seijas was going to vote the way she did and that was to be expected; to think otherwise was delusional.

Mr. Braman: Do not waste your money on the mayor. Whoever "They" are is using you and your money because someone else wants to occupy the county mayor's post (and they are probably laughing behind your back). I will not falli for it. Ultimately, mayor Alvarez was not the final decision maker - the commissioners were!

Why not instead put something before the voters where we get to decide how much county personnel can earn? Why not vote the tunnel down? That should help fix some of the budget holes?