Monday, September 27, 2010

Pity the Fools Who Can't Cooperate...but Media: Dial Down Their Noise! Geniusofdespair

People frame all this as a debate between political extremes, a mud fight between conservatives and liberals. I submit that it is more than that. I submit that because they are louder, more colorful, crazier, angrier, and thus, more entertaining, the fringe elements of American political thought -- right, and, increasingly, left -- have made themselves irresistible to the 24-hour cable and Internet megaplex which, like a shark, is always swimming in search of its next meal. In response, that megaplex has ceded those denizens of the fringe the center stage and given them a megaphone. - Leonard Pitts (photos - words of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

If you can read one thing this week: Make it Leonard Pitts column. Pitts writes about the vocal minority screaming their messages, drowning out the rest of us (rational people). I thought there were none left on either side of the aisle because I am getting so stressed out by the noise in this blame-game, that is not getting the country anywhere. I have put Pitts column here because it is just TOO GOOD and it has captured how I feel (hit read more):
Stop the yelling for sanity's sake - please

By Leonard Pitts - Miami Herald

Perhaps now, the rest of us will have our say.

If there is an overriding hope for the Oct. 30 ``Rally to Restore Sanity'' Daily Show host Jon Stewart is holding in Washington, surely that's it: a simple prayer that maybe the rest of us will finally be able to get a word in edgewise. The comedian's rally -- a ``call to reasonableness'' it says on the Daily Show website -- promises a welcome antidote to the tide of craziness now engulfing this country.

My colleague, cartoonist Jim Morin, did this great animation on The Herald's website ( Guy sits down with the family dog to watch a little television. Out of the box spews a loud cross-talk of invective, accusation, venom, tirade and diatribe. Dog starts barking at the hateful box. A moment passes. Guy starts barking, too.

It is as succinct a description as you will see of what now passes for political discourse in America. The situation has been vexing for years, but the last two summers, with their birthers and Ground Zero mosques and death panels and town hall shouting matches and guns at rallies and rocks through windows and threats of Quran bonfires and charges of socialism, Nazism, terrorism, and general sense of end-times bacchanal, have been especially disheartening.

Watching cable TV news -- often a bad idea -- one cannot escape a sense that everybody in America is yelling at everybody else.

But what about the rest of us?

People frame all this as a debate between political extremes, a mud fight between conservatives and liberals. I submit that it is more than that. I submit that because they are louder, more colorful, crazier, angrier, and thus, more entertaining, the fringe elements of American political thought -- right, and, increasingly, left -- have made themselves irresistible to the 24-hour cable and Internet megaplex which, like a shark, is always swimming in search of its next meal. In response, that megaplex has ceded those denizens of the fringe the center stage and given them a megaphone.

The result has been less a clash between ideologies than a clash between reason and its opposite, between those who are willing and able to talk a thing through, think it through, even argue it through, and those who are unwilling and unable to do so. We're talking about people who believe what they believe because they believe. Their ignorance is bellicose, determined, an act of sheer will, and there is not enough reason in all the world to budge them from it.

So, for example, a large minority of Americans continues to believe the president to be a Kenyan-born Muslim, despite the fact that there is not a shred of evidence to support that dumbbell theory. And they don't care. When have the fringes ever needed evidence? That's why they are the fringes.

But what about the rest of us?

What about those of us who are busy raising our kids, paying our bills, living our lives, those of us who have concerns about the future, questions about the economy, maybe even disappointment with the president, but who are able to express those things logically, without reflexively screaming, invoking socialism or calling anyone Hitler? What about those of us who feel living in a civil society requires the ability to talk, compromise and reason, and that those who insist on behaving instead like a classroom full of five year olds deprived of nap time whenever they don't get their way do not deserve center stage -- deserve nothing, in fact, other than a chair facing the corner.

What about the rest of us?

It is Jon Stewart's contribution to rational national discourse to remember and remind us that we exist. And, that for all the media megaplex has done to confer importance upon the fringes, a large minority is still a minority.

We, the rest of us, are the majority. And maybe it's time we started acting like it.


Anonymous said...

Let's have our own Rally to Save Sanity in Miami-Dade County. We could begin by dumping all the BAD politicians from office: Dorrin Rolle at the County and Richard Dunn at the City of Miami; we could rally for the educated challengers regardless of their ethnicity like Jean Monestime vs. Rolle and Alison Austin vs. Dunn and four other candidates.
And we can make sure that Tea Party Candidates like Marco Rubio for US Senate, David Rivera for Congress and our very own "Sarah Palin" a.k.a. Lynda Bell for County Commissioner supported by Natacha Seijas and the LBA ALL lose.
Civilized, open and honest government is what we need. So let's rally for civilized government and decent media coverage.

Anonymous said...

You do mean, RTL Lynda, the friend of the Vile One, who supports opening up the General Aviation Aiport to Commercial use, outside the UDB and surrounded by Ag Uses (not the anciallary one's indicted fellon Peter Schebly uses). You know, at the Farm Bureau forum, she said she would support the use of the Homestead (which is actually in Redland) General Aviation field for commerial use. I wonder how this ties into the Homestead DRI or other stuff.

Yes, I can't stand that tyrant of a candidate. Any of you who haven't had the pleasure, try speaking in opposition of anything she supports to get why she was a one hit wonder (train wreck)!

Anonymous said...

We have to keep Lynda Bell, Natacha Seijas, Armando Gutierrez, Jose Luis Castillo, the LBA and the Right to Life/Christian Coalition in check. Say no to the tyranny of the Tea Party's phony grass roots campaign. Rally to Save Sanity and elect Gene Flinn the next District 8 Commissioner.
Please do it district 8, do it for all of us who have crappy commissioners like Dorrin Rolle!

Anonymous said...

"So, for example, a large minority of Americans continues to believe the president to be a Kenyan-born Muslim..."

Is Obama Muslim Cuban??

Geniusofdespair said...

This post is not about District 8? Can't you read?

Mensa said...

Mr Pitts is always intelligent and on the correct side.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip MENSA he was wrong on many cases and rushes to judgment. Like the Duke lacrosse alleged rape case.
Mensa indeed.

Geniusofdespair said...

Don't pick on of my favorites.