See our guest blog on the Marlins....hit on each page below to enlarge them and you can read the Mayor's perspective on the stadium deal and the Marlin's profitability question. Mayor Alvarez believes there is inaccurate information being circulated and he wants to set the record straight.
I am wondering if the Marlins will charge the County for writing this memo. Who is representing who here... this is a defense of the Marlins, not a justificatin of the deal.
recent voter turnout in Miami-Dade was somthing like 17%? how can anyone still wonder why those in charge do what they please instead of what pleases us, the taxpayers funding their choices? Has Manny Diaz accepted his no-show job at the Marlins yet? This ballpark is another step down into the 3rd world toilet bowl that is Miami-Dade.
it is pretty apparent where he is going to be working after he is done in the County
Numbers don't lie and are finite. David Samson and the Marlins cried poormouth when they reaped $33.8 million, that is called a lie.
And I love the line that the team did not take any net income. What about the $2.8 million in 2008 (I believe it was $2.9 million in 2009) that the team payed as a Management Fee to a little company called Double Play??? Can anyone guess who runs Double Play?? You got it, David Samson is the President of Double Play, and Jeffery Loria is the CEO.. Looks like a payoff to me, and that is not even considering the loans that Loria gave the team which were 150 basis points higher than what was available in the open market at the time (LIBOR rate), netting Loria a cool $8.3 million... This is horrible!! When are we all going to stand up, and make sure these folks are held accountable? Lets recall all the politicians that voted for this insane deal!!!
David Samson and Jeffrey Loria took advantage of Carlos Alvarez's greed or stupidity. Manny Diaz who is not stupid but obviously knows nothing about business deals had no business thinking he should have been in the same room with these NYC scammers.
Who goes into business with anyone without seeing financial statements?
$3.5 Bil loss for the taxpayers.
Us taxpayers have the final say in this matter. DON'T GO TO THE GAMES.
Let's not name any buildings after Carlos for awhile, just in case.
Carlos Alvarez and Manny Diaz are responsible for over $3.5 BILLION being diverted from the taxpayers and being spent on the expenses, construction costs and debt service for the Marlins Stadium and the Marlins Garage. George Burgess and Larry Spring were active cheerleaders for the scam.
Norman Braman, a well respected billionaire, knew no legitimate businessmen would ever agree to a one-sided "everything for me, nothing for you" type of deal.
what bothers me most is that the tourist tax could of been used to renourish our beaches.. the reason why tourists come to Miami.. they don't come for the Marlins.
The Tourist Development Taxes and the Convention Development Taxes could (i.e. "could") have been used to renovate 200 hotels and motels. The money could have been used to renoavte kitchens and meeting room spaces. The $3.5 Bil could have been used to restore and renovate parks and museums and really almost anywhere tourists might go. Even the Marlins admitted tourists almost never attend baseball games.
$3.5 Billion wasted. Gone to pay connected contractors from out-of-state. Most is spent on interest on the binds.
Remember the guilty parties on election day.
Remember the elected officials and others who were salesmen for the Marlins bailout:
Carlos Alvarez
George Burgess
Bruno Barrerio
Dennis Moss
Pepe Diaz
Manny Diaz
Larry Spring
Pete Hernandez
Joe Sanchez (now a security guard)
Michelle Spence-Jones (awaiting trail)
Angel Gonzalez (resigned under indictment)
Marc Sarnoff
Frank Nero
Brian May
Beth Bloom
Latin Builders Assoc.
Carpenters Union
Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
Black Chamber of Commerce
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