When Bell was running for reelection in Homestead, Wayne Rosen gave $46,000 to a PAC called "Citizens for Reform for Miami-Dade." The PAC ran TV ads against some of the incumbents, i.e. Lynda Bell for one and the PAC promoted the Bateman/Waldman team. The PAC's papers said that they were supporting: government and political reform. Hmmm, not exactly. Rosen and others just wanted Lynda Bell out as Mayor and the money in this PAC paid for the TV commercials and other incidentals to get a new regime in.
Even though I am not a big fan of Former Homestead Mayor Lynda Bell, I think she got a raw deal. So don't whine about a couple of thousand, that is the tip of the iceberg. Watch this PAC in this election it is still open. That is where evil lurks. Speaking of evil, take a look at Pepe 'Le Pew' Diaz's $326,995.50 campaign report. Pepe has $1,500 from Rosen.
Rosen made his money helping build the busted suburbs. He's got plenty tucked away. Homestead and South Dade farmland is his stomping ground. He buy for Lennar and other big corporate builders who need local zoning etc etc. Hey it's a free country and if you got a complaint, take it to the US Supreme Court.
If you dog deeper, his subcontractors, attoneys, engineers and others connected to him will appear on these reports.
This is a high IQ level post.
If invoices were available you would find that the PAC was about a third of what it cost to put Bateman in office. Of course when it comes to Homestead no records of those expenditures and the names of people providing those services will ever be found.
Wayne has gotten exactly what he paid for. A corrupt city council who have done his co-PAC donors proud and who are dumping on the citizens. This Bateman ran on a no taxes pledge despite Homestead losing fifty percent of its property tax base.
Homestead provides electric and other utility services, the light bulb above Batemans inflated head came on and they are now creating a huge profit center by shutting services off so reconnect fees can be collected. Meanwhile the biggest deadbeat in Homestead, the Baptist Hospital is sitting on a $3-$4 million bill. How the hospital skates on this is simple they provide an outlet for Bateman and his team to be photographed as being charitable. Yeah right, to the hospital.
Wayne Rosen and his money have let loose the worst administration ever with four city managers in less than a year.
Rosen also not only funded the PAC he gave to his handpicked candidates individually some $30,000 or so more.
It took this election to convince me that the Homestead City COuncil is truly bought and paid for. In the past they tried to be a little discrete but now there is no pretence of anything other than what it is and what it is is payback and get richER quickER time for a chosen few.
In Homestead, there is A LOT of Buyer's remorse.
Lynda Bell took on the 'good 'ol Boy' Network, cleaned house and she said NO to the people who just wanted to pave over it.
And you wonder why she's the one that has least money raised?
She can't be bought.
Wayne Rosen has been a thug in Homestead politics for as long as I can remember, moved here in 94. He has been getting more aggressive as years pass. He once pulled his puppet strings from the sidelines, now he is out in the open.
People, look at the campaign finance reports from the candidates - if there is too many PACs and developers, attorneys, etc. Be very careful!
These people don't just give money because they believe in good government, they are investing in the government - similar to Wall Street - And they WILL want a return on THEIR investment!
You know, the campaign finance reports ARE the REAL Voter Guides!
EXCEPT.... look at this question and answer with Katy Sorenson....
G.o.D.: The Campaign Report: Is taking contributions from anyone ever off limits? Can we draw conclusions from the campaign reports? What should we read into a campaign contribution of $5,000 all by one person via different corporations. Are these contributions a necessary evil?
Katy Sorenson: I took everyone's contributions, and thanked them for their investment in good government. If I knew there was a legal problem with someone, I would not take a contribution. Never did I lead any contributor to think that I owed them anything else except to answer their phone calls and listen to their issues. I think it's a good idea for the public to scrutinize contributions, but you can't really draw conclusions until the person is in office and performing. Unless someone is independently wealthy, money is a necessary part of winning an election.
You are right, Genius.
But Remember, Katy IS NOT running this year.
And no matter how many times candidates name drop Katy's name - They're NOT Katy.
I hope Lynda has not crossed over to the dark side, but I fear she might have. What happened, Lynda?
That isn't the point. I am just telling you all to be realistic in your expectations of these campaign reports.
You're right, Genius, one has to be REALISTIC in these things.
What disgusts me is Pepe still taking money for his "election" where his opponent has $600 and isn't actually campaigning. Any vote for his opponent is really a referendum on him. No amount of money will overcome that, so why is he piling on?
Watch THAT money closely. Someone wants to be the next commission chairman.
I take that back. He managed to blow through nearly all that money. $250 thousand dollars on advertising and campaign consultants.
Now I understand why the budget is such a mess. The way this guy is blowing through his campaign fund, he might end up owing money at the end.
Wouldn't it be sweet if he lost anyway?
Wishful thinking.
How do we know that someone in this race isn't benefiting from a similar underground PAC as in Homestead? It wouldn't be the first time that money off the books helped elect a county commissioner. If Rosen is supporting Flinn publicly, what's to say he isn't supporting him privately too? Or Obdulio? or anyone else in the race for that matter...
I wish the US Supreme Court justices could tune in for just a few minutes to this blog. You really do get the sense that the USSC has no clue how representative democracy really works. They should set up a seminar. Invite Miguel De Grandy on a panel. Give em truth serum. Also on the panel, Cody and VNS and Terry Murphy.
To the last anon who is speculating about Rosen's possible "stealth PACS" - VERY GOOD POINT!
This is EXACTLY what they did in Homestead. If all of you could look closely at the Rosen finance Report image Genius provides for us, click on it and zoom in on the image. Take a look at the right hand side of the form. It says:
Rosen and his committee reported all these funds raised 2 months AFTER the election in Homestead. Nobody knew where the money was coming from until way after the damage or the "political hit" was made.
Who knows who is financing this "hit" against Flinn. We have all speculated about the top fundraisers in this race BUT it could also be someone who had biz with Palmetto Bay who did not get their way with Mayor Flinn - Same scenario that took Mayor Bell out.
Rosen and May donated to Bell's campaign for Mayor in 2007. And after she said NO to their projects (the building moratorium) they decided to take her out.
Same thing could be happening to Flinn.
Again, we all have to be very careful when we see lots of special interest money. Very careful.
I suspect Bell was on inside loop on Flinn lawsuit and that her people were pointing the finger at Taddeo. We may never know, but Bell effectively nudged ahead of Taddeo in the polls. I call that trying to kill two birds with one pole. Lynda has turned out to be a huge disappointment. So sad.
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