Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To All You Assholes Working The District 8 Campaigns... By Geniusofdespair

What is wrong with you all? I am so fed up with all the lying, underhanded stuff you are doing and the attacks you are all making against each other. Never did I think some of you would run dirty campaigns for Katy's seat. I am so sick of the whole lot of you spamming all my posts with crap and making a mockery of what I consider the most important election in the County. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

I have had to cut off comments because of all the rude behavior by campaign supporters. All the undercutting and cheap shots are not worthy of a candidate for this seat. This is not suppose to be the scummy seat.

If any of you had a problem with one of the other candidates there was a right way and a wrong way to rectify it. If you don't have the guts to do it right, being a sleaze behind the scenes and playing innocent in public is not the way to go for a righteous person. Appearing in a video saying you are not going to do what you are broadcasting all over town is actually worse, because it is not up front, it is manipulative and underhanded.

I think this is the worst campaigning I have ever seen. I am sick of the lot of you. Katy, I am appalled. What a sad state of affairs. And the assholes I was referring know who you are. 'Mario Savio' thank you -- which campaign are you a tool for? Mario Savio was a brilliant free speech political activist, most notably at Berkely. It is the made up email that started the ball rolling ten days ago. Now who is too clever for his or her own good in this campaign managing pool?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Could not agree with you more. Mercenaries are loose.

slamdunk said...

There is no crying in baseball!

puretruth said...


Geniusofdespair said...

Just thought I would give you a sample before I turn off comments. People this is not a game -- this isn't baseball. This is Miami Dade's future. You are not getting me or getting the other candidates you are showing your true colors. You can't even see that this is a sad state of affairs... We all lose with this election. You aren't hurting me, all I have to do is turn off comments and I am rid of you but what you are doing to Miami Dade County, a place I love -- in a District I care about is fucked up.

If you have a real comment send it to my email. I won't print your name but I want to see who you are.