Friday, August 27, 2010

SB 360 Ruled Unconstitutional. By Geniusofdespair

By the way, Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay were part of this lawsuit, helping to fund it (maybe Pinecrest too) although not mentioned. This gives us one more reason to like candidate Eugene Flinn - Palmetto Bay Mayor.

According the South Florida Business Journal:

A Tallahassee judge has declared the so-called Community Renewal Act (SB 360) unconstitutional.

The sweeping growth management legislation, also known as SB 360, ended a 37-year-old regional planning process for major projects known as developments of regional impact DRI's, removed state requirements that developers help pay to upgrade roads, and extended the shelf life of a building permit for two years.

Developers supported the law, but municipal governments, including Weston and Miami Gardens, were outraged by it and sued to overturn it on the grounds that it represented an unfunded mandate.
Link to an article from our archives on SB 360.


Anonymous said...

Rep. David Rivera and I had a debate on this bill last year on Ch2. Check it out

Anonymous said...

Homestead was part of the lawsuit as well. Start printing all of the facts.

Geniusofdespair said...

Then thank you Lynda Bell too!

Geniusofdespair said...

Is that you Oscar -- running for State Senate?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good day. I guess we should appreciate them when they come.

Anonymous said...

yeah, my hat game might be a little weak to take Senator Wilson's place, but we will try

Anonymous said...

Hate who...I think we were all talking about having a good day here? I am. Good weekend, in fact. Bennet had it coming.

Anonymous said...

what about Frederica's pumps, Oscar, can you walk in them?