Since the zaniest things are happening this election cycle, like the Florida GOP imploding, my mind is set to other impossibilities that may come true in the fullness of time. The photo of Katy Sorenson holding up a Flinn t-shirt during her endorsement set me to a reverie of what news of Natacha Seijas' retirement could inspire. In fact I don't know what it will take to pry Natacha Seijas loose from the Miami-Dade county commission. Her dour presence is a constant reminder how voters in Miami-Dade get exactly what they deserve. Seijas stays as far away from computers, we hear, as Osama Bin Laden from cell phones. Still, it is entertaining to speculate how news of her resignation could trigger some paranormal event, like an electric surge of excitement setting off computers across the state. Or maybe just sparklers around the edge of the screen.
Natacha is working behind the scenes helping Lynda Bell. She wants to leave her legacy in the form a hand picked County Commission.
Ding Dong, the witch is not dead yet.
First anon was allowed to offer a fact that can't be checked. What is this media matters?
that wish is just not good enough..i want to see her go the way of Miriam Alonso..better yet, indict her for cruelty to the public and sentence to her community service for life, tending to injured manatees!
From the looks of her, VNS won't retire, she'll explode.
There are so many fantasies about the just rewards for Natacha Seijas. Tending to injured manatees is good. How about, driving a school bus up and down US 1 during morning traffic and rush hour, from the county commission, to West Kendall, and back. Or, making her clean pools in the ghost subdivisions of South Dade. Or she could just manually crush limestone rock with a hammer. Or she could be a customer complaint representative in the baggage claim area of American Airlines.
i love it! last anon - your list is fab!
I think she should become the next coffee lady delivering expressos to the commissioners. Wouldn't be safe to drink..unless they want to go home in a bodybag.
Unfortunately, I think that Vile Natacha is going to retire when they wrap and flag around her and slide her off the side of a ship.
No, she'll get a little funeral and white cross sign in a swale off 836 and no one will remember her after 14 minutes.
Can we "repurpose" VNS? Not recycle, but actually find a use? Landfill, perhaps or maybe turtle barn cleaner at Parrot Jengle?
When Natacha retires, she will laugh all the way to the bank. While you hate her loads of people love her. She has made many people money. And she kicked your ass on the recall.
VNS will announce her retirement sometime in spring of 2011. Her hand picked successor will probably be the fire chief of miami dade herminio lorenzo.
They both live in miami lakes and they both have ties to hialeah. She has shown loyalty to him and she will endorse him.
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