Monday, August 30, 2010

Do We Need Billboards in Parks? By Geniusofdespair

I am told that Commissioner Little Joe Martinez just couldn't muster the votes to get his bright idea to start advertising in parks on the ballot. Because Dan Paul got the ban in the Charter -- the County Commissioners would need a super majority, to put the item on the ballot. Didn't happen, even though there was a meeting called, but the issue could raise it's ugly head again. Miami Herald Columnist Daniel Shoer Ross wrote about the issue. Curiously, even though it was an article about Miami Dade Parks, the Herald put a Broward Park in the photo for the article. That stupidity aside, the article is worth reading, Shoer Roth said:

The enjoyment of these green spaces has spiritual and mental benefits for a large number of visitors, because the spaces are associated with an escape from a hectic life and the opportunity to find inner peace and solitude. Some people cherish a visit to a park as an experience for spiritual rekindling; others find spirituality in nature itself.

To accommodate a plethora of commercial imagery in county parks is to fill them with visual pollution. The premise of the commercial culture is that buying things will make us happier. But no purchase is enough to achieve happiness. Instead, an encounter with nature -- without an assault by this culture of consumerism -- offers life's best gift.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's going to fly right over Joe's head. He's a Cheese Whizz.

Anonymous said...

How would Gene Flinn vote on this issue? How would Lynda Bell vote on this issue?

Anonymous said...

would Lynda Bell really HOLD THE LINE? would Gene Flinn HOLD THE LINE?
IS Katy endorsing Gene to get her staff jobs?
or Is Gene really the better candidate?
What separates the two?
Natacha vs. Katy 18 rounds to the death.

Geniusofdespair said...

I am going to be removing unrelated comments to the posts. I don't want this to become a District 8 free-for-all.

Anonymous said...

NO! but it is already to late.....Boot Camp

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think we should nominate the Cheese Whizz comment for the comment of the week. Do we get a vote in that, Genius, or is it entirely up to you. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am not for or aginst the the ads, but I would of liked ot have seen the debate.

No one wants the the parking fees, but no one has suggested another route to find the money.

Broward charges and they have the nicest parks.

Anonymous said...

Visual pollution.

Billboards. Mural ads. Ads on government property.


Anonymous said...

yes, we do need the billboards in the park... Is it what we really want? no. Is it what we need? yes!
Come on, people... these are very difficult times. We need to raise money without taxing the public. Billboards are not the worst way to go. It is just advertising, and once we get back on our feet, we can get rid of them... no big deal!

Geniusofdespair said...

Once they are there: YOU CAN NEVER GET RID OF THEM.

WHO ARE YOU? Go read somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

Advertising in parks is a reasonable way to make money. So are concession stands which make more money than parking. Why is it okay to charge to park at the beach but not at the park? What is so different? Why doesn't the county seek to tax luxury cars more too?

What the hell, why not tax blogs based in Miami?

Anonymous said...

All I read is why the billboards are a bad idea. Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can make up the difference we need to keep the parks open and in good consition so we can enjoy them?

Anonymous said...

Reduce pay and benefits for tens of thousands of overpaid Miami-Dade County employees.

Fire George Burgess.

Anonymous said...

Billboards and mural ads are a signal that government officials and elected officers have caved in to the money and bribes of the outdoor advertising industry.

CATO said...

I For one favor Billboards and overnight parking surcharge.

At night the billboards can be converted to giant movie screens providing entertainment for folks who have been foreclosed out of their homes or can't afford their cable bill. Who said the Drive In concept was dead?

Between movies commissioners and El Alcalde can record and broacast inspiring messages for the teeming masses , like "Hi I am your Mayor Carlos Alvarez One day if you get a cush government gig like moi you to to will be able to buy a tricked out mack daddy beemer like mine" or "Hi I'm Commissioner Joe Martinez but I didn't have to tell you that because you probably already know who I am....anyway let me tell you about a bunch of free events coming up that you will be able to enjoy once you pay the $20 for parking"

These screens should be stain resistant and easy to clean.

During the day the billboards can tell us all about the latest and greatest Condom, ED drug or where the nearest VD or Abortion Clinic can be found. These billboards will also provide shade.

See G.O.D. the billboard thing might not be so bad after all.

The midnight hour approaches G.O.D.s wrath will soon be upon me.

Anonymous said...

Imagine spending $1 mil for a new condo on Biscayne Blvd only to find you need to buy block-out blinds to block the glare from 500' tall LED billboards flashing ads for strip clubs into your condo? How about ads for hip hop concerts?
Imagine these ads changing every 8 seconds 24/7?

Anonymous said...

Billboards, especially LED billboards are an assault on an intelligent way of life.

Billboards are an attack by out-of-town based corporations on hapless local residents.

Anonymous said...

You mean the hapless local residents that took a $300,000 donation from the developers to keep quiet? The people on the Venitian are a bunch of selfish sellouts and deserve all the wattage the developer can muster.