What does the District 8 runoff election represent to me? It is like the Supreme Court swing seat. WE win many of the super majority votes in the Miami Dade Commission by one or lose them by one. Without the right person in Katy Sorenson's seat, you will see this County slip further down the tubes -- we will shift right. As I said all along, this is the most important county seat and I am not alone in this assessment.
Everyone (including some of those awful political operatives) are lining up behind one or the other of the candidates. From what I can tell they are both going to need a shitload of money and the dorky public is not stepping forward with donations so we are going to see all the usual suspects lining up to dole out the dough.
In spite of this, YOU are going to have to trust your candidate to take the money and the political consultant help and not be beholden to the special interest. It is a leap of faith, it is a matter of who are you going to trust. Katy had taken money from special interests and help from political operatives with her campaigns but when it came time to vote, she did the right thing. All that help with her campaign did not enter into her decisions. Will your candidate stand strong like she did? I believe my choice for a candidate will. In fact, he has told me to my face and let me tell you...someone will be speaking in a soprano voice if they lied to my face. And, Katy Sorenson has endorsed Eugene Flinn based on her trust of him. She has taken her leap of faith.
I am a realist. I think that there is a great vile power behind one candidate and the only way the other candidate can combat it is with money and expertise. A dysfunctional campaign is not going to win it. To see County Commissioner Katy Sorenson's endorsement, hit read more:

"Eugene Flinn is my choice because I firmly believe he is best suited to the challenges of the district and the county. He has an impressive track record. As Palmetto Bay's founding mayor who was reelected by an overwhelming majority, he has the skills and knowledge to hit the ground running with a long list of accomplishments an history of getting things done - from the founding of a village, to is establishment as a "Village of Parks" to the construction of a green village hall on a transit corridor. His service has shown me and the citizens of District 8 that we share similar values and priorities.
We share a commitment to smart growth. He passionate about the environment - Everglades restoration, the importance of addressing climate change, energy conservation, promoting jobs including job growth in a renewable energy economy. And preserving our open lands and green spaces.
Gene Flinn will also be a strong voice and vote for something very important to our citizens: holding the line on out-of-control development and urban sprawl.
Gene Flinn understands the importance of our agricultural industry and will help farmers address the challenges they continually face.

He will be a champion for the civil rights of all our residents and will continue the work of helping to stabilize neighborhoods hit hard by foreclosures. That means fighting blight and crime in vulnerable parts of the district.
We know that Gene is committed to principles of good government and citizen participation, and I firmly believe that he will uphold the highest ethical standards as a public official, as his 8 year record shows.
This is going to be a tough race and it's a clear choice between the candidates. I hope the citizens of District 8 will become fully engaged learn all they can about the candidates and the issues, and then vote for the person who can best represent District 8, Eugene Flinn." - County Commissioner District 8: Katy Sorenson
Good job at laying out the scenario as it will unfold. This campaign will heat up and sizzle as we get closer to November. We will all have heartburn.
These political consultants are nothing more than technicians. It is like they went to school to learn a trade. There is a limited number of these folks and your choice is limited to whats out there.
Ideally, the grass roots people would ante-up enough money that a candidate can hire the cream of the crop and not be needing money that comes from crazy places.
But, after the nonsense in the primary in this commission race and other state wide races, I can't see that happening.
There will be some strange bedfellows and we have to realize that these relationships with the consultants is a moment in time, not a life time commitment.
I'll give Katy points for independence (on UDB and other issues) but she was too quick to want to raise taxes before looking for fat to trim from the vile one... OOOOPS I meant the budget (both could use plenty of sliming).
As for the current race whoever gets a county employee union endorsement will not get my vote. If they both get one union or another I will not Vote for either of them.
Speaking trimming I got my TRIM notice last week after the re-election of BOCC incumbents -Coincidence? I think not- my taxes are going up either 12% if a budget is adopted or 17% if we get the rollback (sounds more like getting rolled over by a bulldozer).
While my income and what I keep of it drops precipitously our County employees will get back there 5% cut from last year and additional 3% increase. Consider that they are making double what we in the private sector (The NON Make Work Realm) earn and you mat begin to understnd my ire.
While we'ere on the subjects of trimming and slimming Rebeca Sosa was blabbering away about how upset she was to find out Marlin's got a sweetheart deal and made bucoup dinero, this after she voted for the deal that allowed the Marlin's to keep theit books closed to We The Idiots-easily confused with We The The People- who will ultimately pay for it. (Don't give me the empty and economicall miopic toursist will pay argument).
My nostrils are being incessantly bombarded by methane here in the realm of the vile one, PLEASE WATERBOARD ME!!!!!!
ANON #2 some consultants (not all) moonlight as lobbyist that does create an issue.
Cato -- almost all of them do both. The question is -- will the candidates be beholden to them and bow to their demands because they pretty much agree with them. We don't want an unreformable SUPER Majority....the unreformable majority is bad enough.
EOM why won't you print anything negative about Gene Flinn?
Jean Moestime vs. Dorrin Rolle is equally huge and winnable if the GOOD People of Miami-Dade County stand up against one of the biggest crooks on the Commission. Jean need donations now!
Voting against a candidate because of a strategic endorsement by a union (or any other entity, for that matter) isn't a great strategy for electing talented officials. CATO pledges to vote against a union endorsed candidate. But suppose the unions think X is better for them but they think that Y will win, and therefor endorse Y to curry favor. Now Y didn't promise them squat and X promised them everything, but CATO would reward X and punish Y anyway. With that pledge, CATO gives other people control over his vote, to his detriment.
Look at the endorsements, sure, but don't stop there. Look at what was promised, look at what the endorsers are trying to accomplish, and look at who the alternative is. And hold your nose if necessary to vote for someone that isn't perfect.
I just snorted coffee out of my nose when I saw Gene in that photo-shopped picture. Hillarious! I am sure he is loving it.
For those of you who don't know him, he has a supreme sense of humor.
I am reading this blog as the President is talking about the economy. At least I can laugh here.
Flynn for Commissioner endorsed by the establishment left winger who supports higher taxes! lost my vote!
If you weren't a Katy person, than you were never voting for him, last Anon. Let's be real.
Palmetto Bay doesn't have higher taxes, last I looked. Just better services for the same taxes.
Anon there ain't no strategery for electing talented public officials cuz most folks with schmigen of talent and any lick of shame or sense stay away from swine pit that is electoral politics.
Thats why I(without shame, sense, dignity or any measurable talent) am officially announcing my candidacy HERE EXCLUSIVELY ON EOM for Emperor of Miami Dade County AND I HAVE G.O.D. on my side (At least through tomorrow)
Will the end of the month come soon enough....yep -- emperor cato. You heard it here. Until Sept. 1st of course.
CATO are you wearing any clothes? or are you the Emperor with no clothes? No that would be Katy and Natacha: the emperors with no clothes,
I am an emperor without a crown (Natacha stole it from me;see pic) As for Linda and Natacha sans clothing PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep that image to yourself. I do not know if my mind will ever recover from such a thought.
Regardless my reign ends at Midnight
"Don't Cry for Eye On Miami, The truth is I never left you All through my wild days
My mad existence I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance..."
You had a good run Cato but your reign is over...and remember:
And as for fortune and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world
They were all I desired
They are illusions
They're not the solutions
They promise to be....
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