Monday, August 30, 2010

Ape lets tiger out of cage: Eyeonmiami acquires a new hero ... by gimleteye

Over the weekend, a new hero ventured forth from captivity. At the taxpayer funded Parrot Jungle, Watson the Ape let a Bengal tiger out of his cage when the gibbon followed his handler from captivity after a feeding. It is like a new reader of Eyeonmiami following Geniusofdespair into the light. The result caused visitors to Parrot Jungle to flee in horror from the unleashed, 500 lb. tiger: "We stayed in this one dirty barn with more than 100 people, touching skin-to-skin,'' one witness told the Miami Herald, "They brought in one fan. There were huge turtle cages and food for the animals in there. It was 100 degrees, dark and no light. All the kids were crying.'' Don't cry, little children. Exult!

There is something heroic in a gibbon ape enlisting a tiger to change the conditions of their captivity. You will understand when you are older, little ones. Moreover, it happened in Parrot Jungle. Like the little Jesus child born in a manger.

Parrot Jungle is representative of Miami's economic malaise, transformed from a popular hole-in-the-wall at the edge of the Everglades--now spun out into McMansions--to a concrete sideshow in the shadow of the Miami Herald, ill-placed to attract any tourist revenue sufficient to service its debt absent contribution by taxpayers.

Since Parrot Jungle featured as a metaphor in my first posts for Eyeonmiami four years ago, I am elated by Watson the Gibbon. Sly images live. Ape frees tiger. It is a little like Eyeonmiami persuading the FBI to investigate corrupt public officials. We can dream. Yes we can! And speaking of dreamscapes; who would the crowd huddled with the stinking turtles, be?

Link to Herald article...


Anonymous said...

Ideas for the Mango Strut never ends in Miami.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hear Lynda Bell has hired Watson to liberate her campaign from the Latin Builders.

Geniusofdespair said...

This post in not about district 8.

Anonymous said...

The only thing better would be if Watson would have released the tiger, then locked him the auditorium at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Go, Watson!

Anonymous said...

Responding to anon above GoD, that was Alexander Graham Bell, not Lynda.

Anonymous said...
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Geniusofdespair said...

Calling the blogger names gets you a delete.

Anonymous said...

Is this better: the ape enticed the tiger to jump out over the wall of the cage he didn't open it.

Anonymous said...

Jungle Island owes over $45 mil to various creditors. They have yet to make one payment on their huge bond issue. Nevertheless, Bernie and his unindicted co-conspirtors still take paychecks. said...

Sure it's all fun and games until a toddler gets eaten.

Anonymous said...

you keep deleting things about district 8 that are the least bit critical of your guy Gene!

Anonymous said...

Jungle Island President Bern Levine was indicted for letting the animals get outside their cages. This is the same Bern Levine, with Ronnie Krongold, who owes over $45 mil to Miami-Dade County, the City of Miami and HSBC Bank. Bern Levine and Ronnie Krongold have some explaining to do. Like why do you owe over $45 Mil to the taxpayers? Like when will you start paying your bills?