Monday, July 05, 2010

Social Networking Challenged or Am I Challenged Overall? By Geniusofdespair

UPDATE: My twitter account is somehow updating with blog feed - the only problem - it is doing it twice. But I am happy just the same. Thanks Michael and Rick it worked.

I am at the point of overload with the social media stuff. I have to sign in and out from the blog accounts and my private accounts for YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Gmail and Yahoo every time I go on. I have so many passwords and names, I can't keep track of them all and forget about all the phony birth dates I have concocted. There is no hope of ever remembering them. I signed onto a lot of pages yesterday and now can't get back into them because I can't remember what I signed on with.

This weekend I was trying to put a feed from the blog onto the Facebook page and the Twitter page. Damn, nothing worked for me. Hopefully, Gimleteye will do it because I am giving up. I had two helpers with links -- Michael and Rick thank you -- but I just had to open more accounts at new sites that I can't even recall. My frustration level is at maximum.

Is all this necessary? Does anyone really read Twitter crap? Do any of our readers take their Facebook page seriously? I only go on to my page when I get a link to it in my email, otherwise it is a dead issue for me. I am still dealing with my IPhone and working on a MAC and a Dell at the same time, both with dozens of different programs with even more different commands. This is too much memory for this creaky brain. Am I alone or are you also technologically challenged?


Anonymous said...

You are not alone, I have more passwords variations on one theme than I can deal with: Think Orchid and the ages of my children in front or back.

Anonymous said...

You are so far ahead of my it is pitiful. I have a stupid (not smart) phone and email plus one ancient computer.

Anonymous said...

I cannot keep up with technology. I don't even try anymore. Everything I own works halfway. said...

What are these social media of which you write: Twitting, facelooking and ribbit? In my litte empire of dirt, keeping up with postings at link, scouring the big 3 FL "digital papers," and the London Independent take up pret' near all my time.

And cell phones unattached to wires, must be science fiction.

At my age of still remember broadcast black and white analog tv--with only 3 stations--find it better to bribe a nephew or niece to help their luddite uncle.