Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Relative Costs of Monarchy: Support Amendment 4! ... by gimleteye

We have royalty in Florida. It is roughly defined by the economic elites who dominate local government and the state legislature tied to speculative real estate development. Let's imagine these elites are responsible for creating our budget deficit. So if the budget deficit for 2011 -- for the state-- is $1.3 billion, and the population of Florida is 18.5 million, then the cost of maintaining Florida's royalty is roughly $70 per person. According to a recent analysis, the costs per person in England of maintaining the British Royal House is $.95 per person, per year. Compared to us in Florida, the British are getting a bargain for their royalty. We pay too much!

1 comment:

Rima said...

How true....the governing elite is so far removed from the people, and just as arrogant and expensive. It is the new aristocracy. It is in our hands to change it though...and you are contributing greatly to educate us on the topic. Thanks!