The word on the street is that County Commissioner Vile Natacha Seijas has been pressuring lobbyists and pals to contribute to Lynda Bell's Campaign. Bell is running for the County Commission District 8 seat. I guess we will find out if this is true, when the campaign finance reports are released. A number of people have told me about this, so I thought it worth mentioning.
On another note, District 8 Candidate Annette Taddeo, when asked by the South Florida Builder's Association "Under what circumstances, if any, would you vote to expand the Urban Development Boundary line?" answered: "Under no circumstance would I vote to expand the UDB."
Good answer.
They are a lot alike and I do not mean that in a good way.
She looks more and more like Jabba the Hud with each passing year.
I'm not going to support Bell or Taddeo. Bell, because she just re writes history and Taddeo because she's just a "say anything" type of person to get approval or endorsements.
I don't like Bell's track record and Taddeo hasn't done much for Dist. 8 at all.
On the issues, they're both incredibly weak. Taddeo can say she won't move the UDB, other candidates have said that too, so why weren't they mentioned?
Let Bell get all the VND funds and let Taddeo buy her Commission seat? I don't think so. It won't fly in Dist. 8, maybe it would in Martinez's Dist, but not here!
They weren't mentioned because they didn't REPORT TO ME what they wrote on the form like Annette's campaign did. If they say the right things and get an endorsement in spite of it from a questionable group, it is not as bad of an endorsement in my mind.
I am weighing everything on the candidates. This was a plus for Taddeo in my book.
I'd like to see Taddeo's written responses to the AFL CEO. That would be more telling about her and where she stands.
Did her campaign send you that?
Yea, what exactly did Taddeo say to the AFL/CIO? Or did she say anything at all? She is such a weak candidate that maybe Marin did all the talking in this case? And just because SHE told you - you believe her!? You of all people, Genius, knows when a politician is "playing" you? Don't you?
I'm not impressed with Taddeo at all - such a weak candidate all around. Her only strength is that she has money and she's a darling of the Chamber.
Have you endorsed any candidates? My neighbors have already got their absentee ballots and I guess I will be getting mine this week.
I have not endorsed yet. I still don't know who I can recommend except on Bell, which I have disqualified. And, Piedra, too many LBA luncheons and the Christian Coalition speech. He won't get my endorsement.
I hope the District 8 voters see the light and elect Taddeo.
The light and elect Taddeo??? Taddeo is turning out to be the UNION candidate! This is exactly what Government does not NEED!!! Just look around the State as well as the Nation for several examples of how UNIONS are killing government budgets!
Taddeo is completely clueless on what is needed within District 8. Have you not reviewed her comments at several forums she has participated in? She is extremely vaque since Marin cannot answer the questions for you in a public forum. Taddeo is the Dem Palin if you ask me. Soon she will state that she can see Venezuela from her backyard! ha!!!!!!!!
Don't fuck with me. I removed two comments. I am blogging alone and don't have any patience. When I say I don't know who I am endorsing it means just that. Don't tell me who I am endorsing. I am trying so hard to really make the right choice. It is something I am putting a lot of effort into as I don't take it lightly, don't pick on me when I make a choice because making a choice is not going to make everyone happy.
Your choice will not make everyone happy, Genius. That's expected and understood. That's called the Democratic process.
But A LOT of people are disappointed in the way the Unions comported themselves when they decided to forgo the Democratic process and blindly endorse a candidate without any consideration for the others - Democrat or Republican.
Just for the sake of fairness, the Unions should have invited all the candidates and given them an opportunity to make their cases to the membership. They were denied this opportunity - pure and simple. Why?
I know you can't answer that question but you can't deny that the Union's actions are contemptable and although Taddeo may have won some votes, she also lost a lot more over this. A lot more!
The Union actions are the result of the Marin Magic. That is why Taddeo pays him the big bucks
That is why Katy paid Marin the big bucks??
Someone called it the Marin "Magic" - personally, there's another word that better decribes these activities and we all know its not "magic."
BeEll may stand on some principals but when it comes to campaign money and support, my experience is that she will take anything from anybody. Her view is that they wil not get special preference in return. Not so sure about that but when you take support from certain folks, it says something about what you are made of and that is the true measure of any candidate.
I don't really care who gives to what candidate, unless they're criminals.
However, I do care about what a public official does AFTER they get campaign money.
I'm sure you can ask Mayor Flinn and former Mayor Bell that its not an easy thing being Mayor. Particularly, when you have to go against the interests of people that have supported you.
I, for one, admire the fact that Lynda Bell stood firm in her convictions and took administrative actions against the interests of big $$$ when the interests of the community came first - and she paid a dear price for it.
Its too bad Homestead replaced her. I can tell you, however, that A LOT of people in Homestead are having "buyer's remorse."
Yes, there is voters remorse but it tells you how much Bell became "unliked" when a con man like the Baitster could get elected over her.
I believe Katy dumped Marin.
and Bell took a "dump" on Marin in the 2007 Homestead election
I didn't know that about her.
But, if its true that "Bell took a "dump" on Marin in the 2007 Homestead election" - Isn't that a good thing?
I don't know, but to me, it sounds like she can't be bought. And in this day and age, that's a VERY GOOD thing.
I don't know what kool aide you people are drinking, but you better slow down or share! Lynda Bell is a bigot and ran the Homestead hearings like a Nazi camp. would not allow anyone to speak unless they agreed with her. I guess she had not read the US Constitution for a while and that silly little First Amendment. She is in Natacha's pockets and we will see after July 23rd where her contributions came from.
Taddeo is a good candidate who is right on the issues and can raise money to WIN. Last time I checked the only way to win elections is to talk to voters and raise money so you can get them to the polls, and she is doing both. Taddeo is an intelligent business woman who appeals to the unions because she believes in the right to organize and in living wages. Isn't this what America is based on, a decent pay for a decent day's work?
And what does Marin have to do with anything. Geez, he's a political consultant who makes money doing direct mail!
I hope Taddeo wins. she will be a great commissioner and will stand up for the people against moving the UDB, and will use her business knowledge to stop waste and mismanagement of out tax dollars.
Sorry, but the way the All-Powerful Unions conducted themselves when handing out endorsements says A LOT about how they conduct political business. And that's not good for America, no matter what hourly wage they champion!
The way they ignored everybody else and Taddeo's silence over the Union's methods says A LOT about her. Knowing how polarizing this issue could become and how unorthodox the Unions' actions were in their deliverations, she could have at least commented on the subject or even acknowledged the other candidates and their qualities. (of course, I'm giving Taddeo waay too much credit here).
But no, she just reacted like a giddy little girl on Christmas morning when she found out that "daddy" got all the presents she asked for that year.
The above Anon may think that the Union endorsement is going to carry the day for Taddeo this year but the way in which they issued their endorsement stinks and may very well become a liability.
The campaign thus far reinforces that corruption is at large. When any group endorses their candidate before seeing all that are entering the race, that group has no interest in choosing the best candidate. As to the issues, the rabbi is the only candidate giving real and refreshing answers, in person and on his website. He’ll overcome the hurdles of viability and in-office learning curves as he has overcome the hurdles of campaigning. Other candidates will have raised more money, but the race continues and at least it shows he cannot be bought.
Is the Rabbi serious above? On the same day that the Christian Coalition had their Forum, SEIU had their screening, The Rabbi went to the Christian Coalition along with Piedra, Harum-Alvarez and Bell. That afternoon the Rabbi did not bother to show up for the SEIU screening, while EVERY OTHER CANDIDATE IN THE RACE DID! (even though Bell was super late). I guess we now know were the Rabbi's priorities are!!!!
Linda Bell has a good record for dividing the community. I would have like to seen some Sunshine verifications on her actions in Homestead, not a wonder the community kicked her out. Now she wants to come join forces at the county level and, Natasha does not believe in good community relations. We can do well without both of them and I hope the voters will show that to them on their next elections. About been a Nazi- if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, looks like a duck and goes....It is a duck!
What? Anon above said "The Rabbi went to the Christian Coalition along with Piedra, Harum-Alvarez and Bell". Wow! Sorry, but those values are very telling! I'm going to vote for the person in this race who is more in line with my values, Annette Taddeo. I should add that I knew Annette before she met her husband, Dr. Goldstein when we both served on the board of Beth David. She is an incredibly smart and compassionate woman. I'm very excited that she is willing to do this! We could use someone like her at the county.
Let me tell you, the candidates are mostly to blame if they don't get notified. I have tried to get in touch with numerous candidates from the information they themselves provide in their filing documents. Phone numbers and addresses are often wrong and some phone numbers are left out. The unions usually send out registered letters so I would advise candidates ask them for the registered letter receipt numbers and stop complaining. If you had a decent campaign manager, they would have gotten you in to the union screenings, that is if you really wanted to go.
There are Cristian Coalition of South Florida events and Christian Family Coalition Events.
Albert Harum Alvarez and Lynda Bell were at both events to address members.
Obdulio Piedra, and Danny Marmorstein only went to the Christian Coalition of South Florida event.
I agree that the vile, obnoxious, mean, ugly and time-to-retire Natacha Seijas is secretly backing "concrete jungle" advocates. I do not believe she can be trusted to put out fire on her aunt's hair. What a pig!!
Plus, as you know, some candidates will tell lies to the screening committees to get a endorsement.
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