Monday, June 28, 2010

World Cup 2010 ... no video replay, retire FIFA executives ... by gimleteye

It is inexcusably archaic: the absence of video replay to double-check calls at the goal line for the World Cup. There have been too many mistakes by officials, including the call-back of a clear goal by England in its 4-1 loss to Germany yesterday. Using video replay to verify goal line calls would be simple; off field referees could provide answers without substantially interrupting play. Question: the referees already have headsets. WHO are they talking to??? It is time to make the change, or, to remove the FIFA officials holding back this necessary reform.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to big league baseball - no video calls there either. Tradition is the answer.

David said...

And later in the day, an Argentinian striker scored on a header when he was clearly offside, yet the goal was allowed. Not that it mattered a whole lot, as Mexico got its ass kicked anyway.

It's a disgrace. It will take one of these horrible calls in the final when it affects the outcome to bring FIFA to its senses.