Sunday, June 06, 2010

The Miami Herald Endorses Rubio? By Geniusofdespair

The Miami Herald might as well endorse Marco Rubio since their biased coverage is leaving no alternative. I previously called the Herald out for printing a terrible photo of Charlie Crist, in comparison to the other candidates, on the front page -- Crist, a guy you are hard-pressed to find a bad photo of -- and yet, here is another Miami Herald front page horrific photo of Charlie Crist. The photo of Greer (the real bad guy), on the other hand, is flattering. I do it all the time, print bad photos of Stop-O-Marco Rubio but I am not reporting news like the Herald, I am editorializing. And, I have to look long and hard to find a BAD photo of Marco Rubio because like Crist he is photogenic. So, why is a 'news' media doing the same thing as an editorial media (Eye on Miami)?

Granted, if what Greer's attorney is alleging is true, that Crist knew about Greer's illegal money transfer scam, I will probably have to vote for Greene.

What are the implications of this scandal and the Miami Herald's campaign to oust Crist from the race? I believe that the Miami Herald wants Marco Rubio to be our next Senator. How can the paper possibly make amends? I think the Miami Herald should sic reporter Beth Reinhard, who has been skewering Crist for months, on Rubio. Additionally, they should let me supply the photos of Marco Rubio for the front page.

Need more proof:

On June 4th, Reinhard reported (this time in an editorial -- it is hard to distinguish which she is writing, a news piece or an editorial but the word "ICK" -- hmmm that sounds familiar enter it in our search we have 46 entries -- gives it away with this one):

As oil seeped toward Florida's coast Friday, endangering the livelihoods of God-knows-how-many people in an already shattered economy, as well as God-knows-how-many turtles and dolphins and birds and all manner of wildlife, Gov. Charlie Crist took time out to hustle for cash.

``Help me fight for Florida!'' implored the fundraising appeal circulated by his U.S. Senate campaign that should have added a footnote: ``and my political career.''

Florida politicians are trained sometime around kindergarten to not, under any circumstances, ask for money when other, less geographically fortunate, people are frantically buying bottled water and batteries and canned tuna as a hurricane looms. America's worst oil spill qualifies as a similarly sensitive crisis.

In fairness, the spill is going to be around for a while, and candidates can't be expected to suspend fundraising altogether. (Crist's Republican rival, Marco Rubio, went to a $1,000-per-plate fundraising luncheon in Minnesota on Friday.) But we can expect candidates not to exploit the spill in tacky campaign appeals.

``I have and will continue to do all that I can to protect our beautiful state and navigate us through the challenges ahead,'' Crist says in the appeal, followed by this clumsy segue: ``As you now know our campaign is about putting people ahead of politics. We are all tired of the same old excuses and politics as usual. I need your help to carry this message to Washington.''


Note how Rubio did the same thing as Crist, but he is let off SOOO easy with a quick aside. Rubio isn't even in Florida fund-raising according to Reinhard. Why is that not newsworthy? I don't want Minnesota money electing MY FLORIDA SENATOR. Why shouldn't Rubio be called out with the same vigor?


Anonymous said...

Tell the Herald and/or Reinhard to focus on the $24,000 that he and his "conservative" committees failed to report to the IRS when he was running for Speaker - BEFORE the credit card scandal.

You know, the donor $$$ he was living on while advancing "conservative candidates"?

That one has the potential to "take him away"

Anonymous said...

The "committees" raised over $600,000 but only dispursed $4,000to other candidates - as it was their expressed intention.

Where did the rest of the money go?

Point is - Donor money or Taxpayer money - it's not YOUR Money!

Anonymous said...

Dig deep, Rubio's entire campaign was initially financed by "Club for Growth" i.e. Big Oil. Rubio has signed a pact with the devil.

Anonymous said...

Having Reinhard write both the editorials and newspieces is a mistake. I am often confused on what I am reading with her columns. Columnists should identify which they are writing it is not clear.

Anonymous said...

The Herald has had a sledge hammer to Crist for months, I agree. Today it said she is up for an award for her coverage of Crist. That is absurd.

Anonymous said...

Genius, vote for Greene?
Are you joking?

Geniusofdespair said...

Well...who should I vote for? And as a Republican who should I vote for in the Governor primary?

Anonymous said...

look at today's pic in its horrible.