Sunday, February 03, 2008

McCain Supporters In Miami Dade Get An "Ick". By Geniusofdespair

Why am I afraid of John McCain? Look at his supporters in Miami Dade County. I know that is the Vile County Commissioner Natacha Seijas on the left in the victory photo. And, it appears to be County Commissioner Joe Martinez next to her. That is all we need, a President that owes these two creeps favors for their endorsements. Can you just picture the travel loving Natacha as an Ambassador? All I can say is: Ick.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you G.O.D. Mel Martinez (Mr. Illegal Immigration) support doesn't help McCain either. At first I faulted McCain's age for his unattractiveness. He could die mid-term and we still don't know who his vice president would be (Clinton maybe?) who could end up President of the USA if the president dies. Remember Reagan got Alzheimer at 76 (McCain's age at the end of his first term).

But buzzards like Seijas and Martinez around him, killed any possibility of my family and me voting for him.

Anonymous said...

McCain is too old to become president. I won't be voting for him or any other Republican.

By the way, there are a lot of other undesirable people from Miami-Dade that are also McCain supporters. Perhaps this blog should spend less time on elected officials, who only do others' bidding, and focus more on who is really controlling whom.

Anonymous said...

McCain is too old. Not because he is only 71-72 but because he has lead a tough life. He was a prisoner of war. He has been on and off planes for over 50 years. There are many fit vital 74 year olds. McCain is not one of them.

Unfortunately McCain will not get Americans out of Iraq. McCain will not reduce the Federal deficit.

Anonymous said...

To the first anon; Reagan was 83 not 76 when he was diagnosed in 1994 with Alzheimers, and he died in 2004.
To the second anon; There are also a lot of undesirable people from Miami-Dade that are Clinton/Obama supporters.

Anonymous said...

he had alzheimers way before he was diagnosed...remember all those naps?

Anonymous said...

Maybe McCain could give Seijas a political appointment, as a commercial attache to Iraq--since contract manipulation is her expertise--, and we could finally be rid of her from Miami Dade.

Anonymous said...


I will confirm what magazine I was reading the other day, that stated one of the early Miami Dade politicos that supported McCain was Mayor Alvarez. If Natacha is involved, it somehow has to do more with Governor Crist. She was involved in many of his meet and greets with the older folks in her district when he ran for Governor. Still it's strange both Joe and Natacha would be with Alvarez. I think RUDY messed up big time in his lack of campaigning in the early states. Alzheimer's isn't responsible for naps.

Geniusofdespair said...

Naps were the excuse for him not being available....I didn't say they were the result of alzheimers. He had lots and lots of naps so no one would see him on bad days.

Anonymous said...

Joe and Natasha were originally with Fred Thompson but when his campaign fizzled they jumped ship and went to McCain. Yes Alvarez endorsed McCain real early last year. He was one of the first ones to endorse him.
The Rudy post is correct about Natasha and Crist, she was part of the Crist bandwagon in Hialeah.
Reagan's naps were a better excuse than what Bill (Mr Hillary) would do in the White House---Monica, etc,etc,etc...

Anonymous said...

Alvarez is in the photo, I think next to Seijas. He was grinning ear-to-ear while McCain spoke. Alvarez has big plans for himself. And if means sharing the stage with Seijas and Martinez; the man will do whatever is needed to get himself where he wants to go. He is a politician. He did not survive as a county department head without being one. The department was run based on his politics. The Herald brushed over the "Friends and Family Plan" article gently, rather than slamming the mayor, for doing the same things that the ex-transit director did. Why?

Anonymous said...

There's some real sophisticated political analysis goin' on here, yessir.

The Republic is in great hands.

Anonymous said...

I think that McCain has intimated that Liebermann might be his choice. He's making noises to that effect, but that certainly wouldn't shore up his Christian conservative credentials.

Anonymous said...

Lots of fortune tellers is what we have...

Anonymous said...

It sure seems like Mike Huckabee is doing alot of the Hatchet work for McCain these days.

I'm not saying Huckabee is going to be his VP choice, but he will definately get something out of it.

Maybe then Chuck Norris can be Secretary of Defense!

Go Chuck

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Sen McCain. Well done sir. Huckabee seems to be for real and yes he has cutup Romney(the whiner) big time...

Anonymous said...

Whats not to love about Romney and if there is something I am sure he will change to make you love him more.

Anonymous said...

To last anon---Romney is a whiner!!!He just dropped out of the race..Pout,pout,pout. Oh wait maybe he will change his mind. lol

Anonymous said...

First time I have seen her smiling.