Let's face it, the only reason that Kendrick Meek is the front running Democratic Senate Candidate is because Hillary and Bill raised him wads of money for the race as payback for Meek's support. No other candidate can hope to compete. Sorry Maurice Ferre. Oops, except
Jeff Greene, the billionaire from New York in the Democratic race, he can raise money from himself. My bet is Charlie Crist will lead the pack but it will be interesting to see Greene sling much needed mud at Rubio. Greene has no history, he has it easy in the politics department not so easy in the personal background (galpal former madam Heidi Fleiss).
Both Carrie Meek and Kendrick Meek had to claw their way to the top of the heap but they had to make too many concessions and 'deals' along the way and those are coming back to
bite Kendrick and will ultimately destroy his campaign. See Jeff Greene:
This guy has a good machine, our blog is getting all his press releases. Someone is on top of things over there.
Perhaps we can see true stateman emerge - FERRE
Beth Reinhart has written off Meek.
We should all say NO to the carpetbagger Green.
Can you imagine Heidi Fleiss as Green's Legislative Director?
Just as good or better than any lobbyist. Just a thought.
I was shocked and appalled after reading The Miami Herald article this Sun. AM about Mr. Kendrick Meek. I had no idea Kendrick was on the take and just as corrupt as his mom. What a shame, I'm very disappointed in him. Jeff Greene is clearly emerging a a fresh approach to our tainted and corrupt politics.
Like you fellas... I've been blogging the due diligence on Meek for a few months... also, the "Poverty Peddlers" series is still up at the Herald. I'm agreeing that Crist is looking like the right guy.
My local Dem DCCC office is really pissed at me. Well, ya know what Groucho said; about joining clubs...eh?
Once again, your political analysis is flawed. The only reason that Kendrick Meek is the front running Democratic Senate Candidate is because he is the only current Democratic office holder who was willing to give up his safe seat for an unwinnable Senate seat. All other potential Democratic candidates were smart enough to see that this is not going to be a year where Democrats beat Republicans for vacant seats. Hillary and Bill had nothing to do with it. Meek would have raised much more money had he supported Obama.
Let's review. 1. Refused to support Obama even when it was clear Obama would win 2. Left his safe congressional seat to run for a Senate seat in a year when Democrats are expected to take heavy losses 3. Conducted a ridiculous petition drive to get on the ballot which wasted valuable time, money and resources. Dumb-o-crat fits him well.
When he started runningin 2009 it wasn't an unwinnable race Peg.
Kendrick Meek has always been accused of being dumb and he has always been accused of taking money from lobbyists and sleazy companies. Meek worked as a skycap before his mother plucked him out of oblivion into office. Then he is accused of taking money from Wackenhut and Stackhouse.
Do not vote for Meek let him go back to the private sector and learn to meet a payroll.
Go Ferre!!!!
What a hatchet job on Meek. This has been by far the worst attack from a fellow Democrat against another Democrat I have seen in years.
Green is nothing more than an opportunist P.O.S. If he makes it will be do to his money. What has he done for the State of Florida? How did he really make his money? What dues did he pay?
Absolutley nothing.
All he did is gurantee Charlie Crist will be our new Senator and for that I thank him.
If it wasn't Cong. Meek leading the Democrats to defeat in November, it would be Cong. Corrine Brown of Jacksonville. Believe it or not, Meek is WAAYYY better than her!
consider Maurice Ferre for US Senate, he is by-far the most qualified candidate for Florida. http://bit.ly/9rVOOv
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