I have been meaning to go to the Greynold's Park Love-in for years, to gather with a few thousand old hippies and new ones, I finally made it. Everyone broke out their tie-dye shirts and their secret stash of patchouli oil - didn't smell any pot. They even had empty Qualude jars for sale for $20. Check out the photos I took, and video -- hit read more to see the present generations celebrate the past!

How were the Grass Roots? The original members? Creed from The Office was their original guitarist!
Riley says,
Ye Gads, I would have hoped that was a forgotten era; the flower power, free love, generation of drugs focused on life and to think the problem never goes away and our younger people bleed from its curse. What a shame to acknowledge
and participate in todays culture!
Yea, I'm a prude
yep, you are a prude and maybe misinformed.
Chill Riley, the Vietnam war wouldn't have ended without flower power.
Peace and Love.
I love the lovein!
I love the green hair..
Tha Cashier
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