An average Joe would give $100 or under to a campaign. In total he got about 27 donations $100 (or less) out of the 227 donations totaling $87,990. There were 5 $100 donations from lawyers out of his district. There was one from a consultant living on Old Cutler, an engineer from Ft. Lauderdale and another from a doctor in Coconut Grove (he got about 22 $100 donations). An Engineer in Ft. Lauderdale gave him $50 (he got 4 $50 donations total). Finally, he got one $35 donation from a woman in Hollywood.
Out of the 227 total donations I would estimate that no more than 20 came from regular voters within his district. I was quite generous with the 10 zip codes I searched, giving him the benefit of the doubt. I didn't count the Michael Adler or Shoma Homes multiple donations as they obviously are not 'regular' people who can vote in his district. Pepe had 20 donations from Coral Gables, 8 from Homestead and 10 from Miami Beach Beach. There were about 20 donations from Broward County (probably as many from Broward County as from his own district voters). Then there were the donations from out of State: Alabama (2), Colorado, Virginia and Los Angeles (5). Finally there were a bunch out of the South Florida area: Lutz, West Palm Beach (4), Palm Beach Gardens, St. Augustine, Jupiter, Lakeland, Tampa, Deerfield, Tallahassee, Port St. Lucie, Crystal River and Jacksonville. The majority of the donations were for $500 -- not exactly the amount of choice for us common folks. So exactly who is contributing to Pepe Diaz's campaign? Not voters from District 12, that is for certain.
Good post, and good post yesterday following the Ron Book money. This is a story of how the Growth Machine enforces order in local government, especially one as politically significant as Miami-Dade. Find the good soldiers, like Pepe, the ones who will vote for growth at any cost, wherever it is, and reinforce them with money. The economy may suck, but it is still necessary to keep the pecking order in place and discipline in the ranks.
It stinks, to be honest. The people are pawns of the current Commissioners.
Gene Flinn, running for Katy Sorensons seat, received funds from both Book and the Farm Bureau for his State Rep run. I'm sure he'll be receiving his marching orders along with a lot of cash for his new campaign. Too bad for the people in Dist. 8. They've lost more than Katy.
Thanks this should have been reported by the Miami Herald. But as you noted below, they are busy reporting on reality TV shows. Congratulations Jake and Vienna.
You know, it occurred to me that these people run swaps. If you cast a wide net, you can finance your own campaign by writing $500 checks for swap with other candidates. Do you think that a portion of this is for that kind of activity. THink of the money you could funnel into your own campaign. Now, if that money was ill gotten, and to be used for the campaign form a local interest, this would be an effective way of laundering, don't you think?
G and G,
Would you guys cut me a $100 check if I ran for office?
This dimwit voted for the Marlins bailout.
Sure M what are you running for?
One has to live in district 12 to really understand the good that Pepe has done all these years. I'll bet my money at the indians that none of you do. The south portion of dist 12 (Sweetwater, Belen Estates & Swampwater) have seen dozens of improvements all done by a man that grew up there and has experienced all the headaches and suffering that these residents have gone thru. He may not have small donations from constituents but he will continue to have our support at the polls. Excellent job Pepe, Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do.
Happy to vote for Pepe!!!
Bet my money at the Indians?? What are you 90 years old? You are part of the problem. All you care about is your friggin' district. Selfish person why do you think all those people are giving him all that money? To help them --more selfish people. Myopic, selfish person go read somewhere else. We here care about the ENTIRE county.
This guy let's Pepe rape the county but his 'daughter' is okay so he supports him.
That this person above is not appalled by these campaign contributions, shows that he works for Pepe's campaign. No matter what else, the contributions are more than alarming. The guy above supporting Diaz is nothing more than a hack.
It's hard to take out a guy whose never has had an opponent. I live in the district and want him out quick. Too bad the Feds couldn't do the job.
The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.
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