Pete Hernandez quit Friday. I liked him when he was an Assistant County Manager. He was always a nice guy, maybe too nice for the City of Miami. I hope he lands on his feet.
We can welcome Carlos Migoya after the City Commission gives its blessings to the hire later this week. Mayor Regalado made it official that Migoya was his pick at a press conference at 1pm (photo above).
I think this is his glamor photo (right). Cuban born...gotta be him. Migoya holds an M.B.A. as well as a B.S. in finance from Florida International University. He looks stern but has a dimple. Maybe this will work. At least we know he will be better than at least one Former City Manager, Ceasar Odio. That guy was the worst, no one could reach the pinnacle of Odio's bad standard. He set the bar pretty low.
What exactly did Pete do that merited him getting pushed out?
What did he not finish is the better question.
He didn't fire his finance director. That is what he did wrong.
He also screwed up by not firing the people on the drop list etc.
Oh yeah and his projections were 40 million dollars off and now the City is in the hole.
the Migoya photo: He is smiling on one side and serious on the other (cover half)...I hope that is meaningless.
Migoya will be Arriola on steroids. Pete needed to go - too much mismanagement because he cannot handle the tough issues. Migoya???? Knows nothing about government, negotiating with unions or anything else important for the city. Bad reputation among women. Messy divorce from Christina Cuervo. Not looking good for Miami.
Pete Hernandez deserved to go. And here's why.
Whoever is responsible for firefighters that earn over 150k deserves to be fired.
He was...his name was Manny Diaz.
The names are Manny Diaz, Pete Hernandez, Larry Spring, Michael Boudreux, Diana Gomez and the five city commisstioners - Regalado, Spence-Jones, Gonzalez, Sanchez and Sarnoff who voted for the contracts.
Gomez and Boudreaux had no input into contracts, but you forgot Hector Mirabile, the chief negotiator.
Yes, how does Regalado get off the hook every time? He voted for the contracts. He is part of the problem.
Chairman "MILK" was behind this.
The new guy needs a girl with curly hair to stand by his side. "The Sun will come out tomorrow..."
Firemen making $300,000+ per year? Who will fix that screw up?
Firemen work 3 days a week? Several firemen get $2,000 per week, IN OVERTIME? Retire with 102% pensions? Time to chop heads.
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