When I visited Grandpa it was, "I remember when bread cost 5 cents a loaf." Now, when I take a trip down memory lane, I say "I remember when computers were 64k." I can hardly believe it, since yesterday I was trying desperately to increase the 10.54 gigabytes of available space on my computer to make it run faster. That is 11,051,991 kilobytes of free space that I am worried isn't enough.
What do you think will be the "I remember....." of today's generation? The defining "Look at how we lived" wrapped in only one number or statistic. Will it be "I remember when one in eight people were on food stamps"?
Worse, according to a January 2010 New York Times Article, "Here in Florida, the number of people with no income beyond food stamps has doubled in two years."

Aren't most of those Republican States?
I object to making only yesterday a long time ago. I remember very vividly when bread was not only 5 cents but all of our neccesiteries (yeah I know it is spelled wrong) were delivered to the house by horse and wagon. I also sold newspapers for 2 cents each.
Are you my motherinlaw? You sure sound like her mensa...she sold newspapers and her fathers horse wouldn't drive the wagon when it was supposed to.
At least Florida is number one or two in something. And yet we reproduce.
More than 20,000 Floridians each week stand to lose unemployment benefits unless Senate acts
Miami, 3rd poorest city in the country. Yet, everyone drives a BMW. Me thinks somebody ain't telling the truth.
Anon owning a grow house doesn't qualify as employment, comprende acere.
Hey keep giving out more goodies and taxing productive busineeses and by extension workers to do so.
As the Ten Years After song said "Tax the rich till there are no rich no more" only problem they left out "there won't be no more jobs either" Then what? We can't all be on unemployment, welfare and foodstamps? Or can we? Help me out here Genius.
Unless this is a new scam ala medicare fraud, these numbers are truly staggering for white men w/out children. Could be some are cheating, but with numbers so big, kinda takes the breath away. Maybe it's why I woke up this morning running the numbers thru my head again to the tune of "if I lost my job today"...
Someone nostalgic might say , "I remember back when folks actually had memories and a gallon of milk/gasoline was 20 ameros".
I can't help you Cato...I am middle class.
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