Sunday, February 14, 2010
Enough Already with Britto. By Geniusofdespair
Miami Dade County is spending $109,000 for a Britto designed shirt for airport workers to wear, according to the Miami Herald. The money bothers me, but the choice of the designer bothers me more. Critical Miami wrote about the first rejected shirt in 2007, the one which prompted Vile Natacha Seijas to say: “My maid wears better clothes than this t-shirt.” It wasn't the design so much, she didn't like the flamingo on the front because it looked like a snake. She is either afraid of anything in the natural world or anything phallic. Another blog for that musing, back to Britto.
I have seen enough! It is not art, the guy produces illustrations. Will everyone on Boards in Miami please stop installing, reproducing or buying these illustrations for public purposes? It is just tacky, well I guess that fits in with Miami, but don't do it, you are reinforcing our reputation as morons with bad taste. Maybe we need an installation at Fairchild Tropical Garden to fit in with their new image. Anyway, there is a much bigger question at work here: Which is better Brita or Britto? I will take the Brita every time because seeing a Britto makes me want to barf.

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Agree, I have seen enough Britas, I mean Britto's for my lifetime. The last straw: When they chose his design for the Coconut Grove Art Fair.
I couldn't agree with you more. How about supporting a few other artists in the area? He stuff is so overplayed.
Romero Brito made Miami pay him something like $1 mil for his fake art to go at Grapeland Water Park. And he demands money every year to. $10,000 maybe. Sort of an annuity. God knows how the $10,000 payment helps Miami?
With all the great (unrecognized) talent here in Miami, Brito's success/blight is a sad and telling commentary on public art and politics. Do we now how much Romero spent on lobbying locals gov?
Does the swamp deserves better?
I think so.
Can Miami break it's love-affair w britto?
Not anytime soon.
I will take the Brita too. As far as art, this guy has had his 15 plus minutes- let someone else have a chance. And you are again right, this stuff isn't even close to being in a category of real art. Pop is all it is.
I think Dali would be more appropriate since life here is so surreal. It's like living inside Un Chien Andalou.
Mr. Freer please check my spelling
I saw a Britto store at Miami International Airport and a little bit of vomit rose up in my happy throat.
Even better, how about a store selling lobbyists? Every tourist can stop in and buy a lobbyist on their way home. The store makes some cash and Miami gets rid of its pesky lobbyist problem...
Show at Fairchild? What a great idea! Just pass it on to Big Daddy Brucie G., I'm sure that he's already courted that silly bride.
I know there are people out there that enjoy Budweiser, Jerry Springer, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Fox TV and the colorful, feel good, happy graphic designs of Romero Britto. I believe that everyone has the right to do as they please behind closed doors. But for goodness sake let’s not impose bad taste in public and burden the rest of us. So please let’s halt the BRITTOIZATION of Miami.
Britto is a perfect icon for Miami. Colorful, happy, and tasteless.
Is Brito an artist?? I think not! I am sick of his puedo-art that he markets down each and every one of our throats!!!
The county should be selling his art to raise money. His are is in too many places. He has reached a saturation point.
putting aside whether we believe Britto is good art or not and trying with a great deal of effort to look at this subjectively, I have to agree. Isn't there another local artist for God's sakes? I already moved by original Britto to the bathroom, I wish we could recognize other artists.
Yes, please stop subjecting Miamians to this crap wherever we look and wherever we go - especially when using tax dollars. Can we trade him to another city for a real artist?
Britto should design the entire exterior look of the new Marlins Stadium. His sculputures would look great in a circle at each entry gate.
oh yeah and in the county commission skybox, chairs upholstered in Britto and carpet by Britto.
Whatever happened with Britto's DUI arrest? Unfortunately it didn't slow him down...
As people continue to bankroll this so called artist, it brings to mind the words of Ava Moore Parks, although she was referring to McMansions at the time:
"These people have no taste, and the money to prove it."
I'm annoyed at how Miami's new mascot seems to be Britto. Britto everywhere. That is not what Miami is about! Everything from the waterpark, to SunLife Stadium, to the entrance of South Beach SCREAMS Britto. It's downright disgusting.
There are so many other artists in Miami who could be featured. Why does Britto get every public commission? I wonder this especially since I have never met anyone in Miami or anywhere else who likes Britto's work at all.
Just stumbled on this. Great piece and wonderful comments. I hate this guy's art --it reminds me of cartoon art from the Yellow Submarine and has about as much substance. Get this drivel out of our lives, please.
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