Friday, January 01, 2010

Smoky Mountain News gives former county manager Steve Shiver, "Holding the Bag" Award ... by gimleteye

Former Miami-Dade county manager Steve Shiver is trying to hold things together in western North Caroline where he manages an amusement park/roller coaster ride based on a shoot-em-up western theme. Rumor has it that plans are in the works for a venue in Miami for the main attraction to keep the Ghost Town workers employed during the off-season. Just what we need to get our economy going.

"Holding the Bag Award

When Ghost Town in the Sky amusement park filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this year, it had a trail of unpaid bills — owing $2.5 million to some 215 companies. Local electricians, contractors, building supply stores, sales reps for souvenir merchandise — even newspapers that had run ads for Ghost Town — filled the long list of those never paid for their goods or services. But they aren’t the only ones still holding the bag.

Ghost Town employees never got their final paycheck at the end of the season. Cash flow was so tight all year, the park often couldn’t make payroll on Fridays and instead relied on revenue from weekend ticket sales to pay employees the following Monday, and occasionally still fell short and had to make up the difference the following Monday after another weekend of revenue came in. Employees are still waiting for their last two weeks of pay from October.

The park was plagued this year by lagging ticket sales due to the economy, the primary rollercoaster ride being inoperable most of the season, and expensive repairs to update the aging theme park. The park was forced into bankruptcy after falling behind on its $9.5 million mortgage, but CEO Steve Shiver maintains that the park will reorganize and pull through, including repaying the small businesses and employees who are owed."


Anonymous said...

The award will look good with his other dozen or so "Holding the Bag" awards from Miami Dade County and Homestead.
Maybe he can smelt the metal from them and pay his employees.

Anonymous said...

And Alex Penelas thought Steve Shriver was qualified to run Miami-Dade County with its $6 Billion budget...

Anonymous said...

Alex was paying off Steve for fronting for him and his LBA buddies on Homestead AFB. Wonder what Alex is up to now. Clipping coupons?

Anonymous said...

We all know he's a looser why spend time reporting on him, who cares.
Now if he's planning something in our neck of the woods lets us know other wise I'm sure there is more important news going on.

Snoopy said...

I love it when you give us updates on Shiver. Whenever our government executives insist that they need high pay because of their so-called high talent, I can point to this fool as an example to the contrary.

P.S. If it is of any solace to Shiver, I am sure that Burgess would fare no better in the private sector.