There was a very creepy videographer who taped the entire protest yesterday, getting right up into peoples' faces: when asked, he said he was employed by Bruce Greer and the Trustees of the Garden. It wasn't subtle but does send a message that the Garden is so worried about its future, it is now keeping a visual record of its objectors. Creepy. Very creepy. Here he is.

Change garden's bylaws
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Our beloved Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden has lost its way. Recent actions by its president and board of trustees have brought to light troubling issues with the overall management of this nonprofit organization.
Fairchild once enjoyed respect as a world-renowned botanical garden focused on research, conservation and education. Established by Robert Montgomery in 1938, the garden grew and flourished with a dedicated staff and devoted volunteers. For more than 70 years, the focus was research, collection, propagation and the curatorship of plant species from around the world.
Today one must look past towering sculptures, furry gorillas and a giant Loch Ness Monster before glimpsing what was initially envisioned by Montgomery and David Fairchild. The garden is now a place on the social circuit for black-tie galas, weddings, concerts, art exhibits and other fundraising events.
Department directors, scientist-researchers, curatorial and horticultural staff have left or been terminated and not replaced. Disheartened volunteers and donors are leaving their posts as their purpose, too, has faded. The remaining staffers are demoralized. There appears to be a ``dumbing down''of the garden.
This must be stopped. We must bring back the original mission of the garden to preserve its purpose and value to the local, national and international communities. It's time for garden members to be heard and vote for change. We are more than 40,000 strong and have too much invested to sit by idly. The first course of action is voting for term limits to be added to the by-laws. We need new faces and restorative ideas at the executive-board level. Fairchild's reputation in the botanic world must be preserved before it becomes as endangered as qualified and educated garden staff and volunteers.
Hayes Bowen
Miami, FL
I hope Bruce Greer even shares the video with his trustees. They should ask for copies.
Just getting caught up on all this Fairchild drama. I'm wondering if the rest of the board truly understands what is going on here. It's obviously more than just the Caroline Lewis issue.
Bruce Greer should resign. This public relations disaster is hurting the long term viability of Fairchild Gardens. Embarassing.
Who is Bruce Greer anyway?
I've been a Fairchild employee for many years, and it has been a wonderful experience in many ways. Last year, our COO extended a generous offer to all staff in allowing us to become members of the garden where we work at no charge. I look forward to using my membership to vote for limits on the number of times a board president can be re-elected. While I love my job (and I appreciate that most people do NOT have that luxury), it has been increasingly demoralizing over the past several years to watch the calculated dismantling of capable and talented leadership in all three major departments of the garden. There may be an "open door policy" for airing our grievances, but the feeling among we the remaining pawns is that our concerns fall upon the deaf ears of our megalomaniacal king and queen. I look forward to a day when we have fresh leadership who truly support the Fairchild mission of exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants.
Not hard to imagine why devoted Garden lovers, volunteers and employees are disheartened, watching as politics and careless management distract Fairchild from its stated mission of exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants. Here's another upcoming event that properly belongs in one of Miami-Dade's many fine recreational parks: Why would Fairchild host something like this?
I wonder if the Garden trustees enjoyed watching the video or even if Bruce shows it to them.
What is Bruce Greer's backgound?
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