Here are photos taken by Gimleteye of the demonstration organized by educators to support Caroline Lewis who resigned under fire. It is going on, as I write, in front of Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden till noon today (it is still going strong at 12:30). I like the sign that says: "Somethin's Fishy at Fairchild!" If you are a fast driver, you still have time to support Lewis in front of Fairchild Garden. (hit on images to enlarge them)

It ain't over by a long shot.
What is happening at Fairchild? This place used to be credible.
Non-profits are always having board issues. I am just shocked that Fairchild's, which I considered to be a professional board, got suckered to the point that the cow patties are up to their knees.
It is always difficult to sort through the personal agendas to find the facts when you have board members being approached by junior employees... you really have to consider the source of the complaints. And why the board's policy wasn't to send to the complaints back to the Human Resources and stay out of it, I don't know. Sounds like too many agenda's everywhere.
I do know that you don't screw with a non-profits most effective program and not take a hit, both financially and in credibility.
I had never been to Fairchild before I went as an observer to one of the Environmental Events. As a result of the day I spent there watching the kids, I went back on another day for the glass exhibit.
Caroline did her job for them... she filled the room with excited kids and parents and got an attendee to come back and buy 2 thirty-five dollar event tickets.
LOL. Butttttttt, He has boobs.
Maybe that is cause of this whole deal. Conflicted personality.
There's only one personal agenda going on at Fairchild and that title belongs to the self-serving agenda of Bruce Greer. This man has been president of the board of trustees for over 12 years and that is not only unhealthy but unheard of in a non profit organization.This garden has become his playground and it's time for him to go. We need term limits to keep this from ever happening again if this garden is to survive.
Is your group doing anything next weekend at the Chocolate Festival? If so please post so we can attend, we would love to help out. Thanks
I heard that when a member went in and requested a list of the membership, they were told that there was a policy that prohibited giving out this info. Is this true? How can this be true? Aren’t the members entitled to this information? This whole thing smacks of making up rules as we go along…………….what gives??
"Conserve Not Self Serve" "Greedy Greer" "Bruce Almighty" "Greer must Go" "Term Limits" You guys hit the nail on the head. When is he leaving?
I love the fish hats! Something "fishy" for sure! It will be interesting to see how this all ends up.
And get this, I heard that 2 members requested to see Garden financial documents which, according to their own bylaws, are available to its membership -- their request was denied. In fact, Bruce has failed to share this information at past membership meetings (held annually in March). What is going on?
Why are members being denied access to the membership directory and financial records? If our voice is not heard, then our vote will be - Stay tuned!
Count me in next weekend. I have the perfect sign!
It's time for the membership to step up and show their colors in the fight to change the garden leadership and direction. yes, this weekend at the Chocolate Festival would be a good start. Saturday morning,Main Gate, bring your signs, we can't let the kids and their teachers carry the burden. Time to start taking the garden back. Calling on members who believe in this worthy cause....in the end it is OUR public garden!!
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