Alex Sink's stock speech, focusing on jobs, fell on deaf ears at the Everglades Conference but she did throw in "..and the Environment" before and after "jobs" a few times. I will vote for her, she is an impeccable dresser. Anyway, how could I not, Bill Mc is such a loser. I told her about my Republican conversion and she was pretty much horrified by my explanation. I'll still vote for her. She will make a good Governor, after all, she does care about jobs.
On another note, I just read the New York Times cover article on Rubio...I have heartburn now. It is like watching a train wreck, read the South Florida Daily Blog on Crist vs. Rubio saga.
Confusing post.
If you have been invited to a dinner for a room full of union workers would you talk about the environment? The audience was in tunnel vision mode. For instance, when she mentioned solar there was a roar of applause. Other than that if you don't get it, you will never get me or you are a new reader.
It didn't fall on deaf ears. Sink also tied everglades restoration to jobs, as did practically every other keynote speaker.
The Undersecretary of Interior spoke about restoration as green jobs and how the Obama administration was looking to pump much more money into restoration projects, how they were looking to add miles of bridging to the western slough areas, etc.
She did mention solar energy and that Florida was doing a terrible job competing for Federal funds in that effort. She mentioned billions in funds for alternative energy and not one project for our state - that she wanted that to change.
It was a room full of environmentalists (except maybe the rock mining lobbyists and FPL execs), but even the tree-hugger set have their own pet issues. I don't think talking about alternative energy at an Everglades forum is pandering.
Since you signed up as a member of the party of "no" does that mean the metamorphosis has begun??
I don't think she was pandering talking about solar I think that was on target. That was what she should have been talking about. It is not pandering to focus on what the crowd is assembled for, but yes to your question, I am drinking tea right now!
I don't think this reader understands your humor god - give up. You did say you were voting for her so what is their problem?
Apparently this reader actually LISTENED to the speeches so I defer my humor to their somber serious account of what transpired.
Like the photograph genius you have been getting better.
I think Alex Sink was elected CFO on a wave of Hype, for a professional woman who made it to the pinnacle of private industry and a tide of Democrats getting elected in 2006. The more I see and hear her (I actually cut her a check), the more disappointed I am in her.
She is not a very engaging person, nor is she very quick on her feet. I think she might be a bit of an empty (pants) suit, at least politically. I try and give her the benefit of the doubt for her business acumen, but quite frankly, I'm not very impressed with her.
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