Monday, December 14, 2009

Two County "Bad Behavior" Issues in “Miami Today.” By Geniusofdespair

When Javier Souto is the voice of reason, you have to wonder how cold it must be in Hell.

The Miami Herald Ombudsman hinted at the despicable behavior of most of the County Commissioners on Sunday, when Barbara Jordan said the Miami Herald reporters Dolan/Haggman shouldn’t make news, they should just report it -- she was complaining about the coverage of the Commissioners' phony 'trade' travel junkets -- Ombudsman Schumacher-Matos shot back, that is what investigative journalism is, making news with investigation to inform us. However, most Commissioner bad behavior goes under the radar of the Miami Herald because there is just too much of it; like these two examples:

The week of December 10th: Katy Sorenson, in Committee, tried to get the County Commissioners to reverse the Board's previous decision to move the Urban Development Boundary to build a Lowe's store. That would have halted the Lowe’s Store appeal (The Governor’s Cabinet last ruled AGAINST the County on moving the line). The other Commissioners killed her measure. You, as a taxpayer, are paying to help defend the big box giant on this issue as the lawsuit plods on.

The week of December 3rd: In an effort to curb inflated salaries at the County, Carlos Gimenez proposed that the Mayor’s salary should be the highest, to cap salaries to any future employee in the County. Carlos said: “Everyone reports to the Mayor.” Other commissioners nixed the idea. Audrey Edmonson said: “We can’t put this type of cap on staff” (Me: Why not?). Only Wordy Javier Souto, having a lucid moment, supported the effort: “I think it’s wrong to pay such enormous amounts of money” adding:

"Government isn't for making money, government is for giving service to the people."

Well, how about that, Javier Souto is the voice of reason!

What is motivating Souto with this "REBORN" behavior of late? I think he is pissed because his beloved cattle show was not funded in the budget. Maybe my headline should have been: Hell has no fury like a County Commissioner scorned. Well, if pissing him off moved him to the side of reason on some issues, I say: Good! BTW, giving Souto kudos for saying something reasonable in no way diminishes the reason that was displayed by Gimenez and Sorenson in these two cases.

(Readers: "Miami Today" was not totally accurate in its reporting. I checked with Sorenson's office to see the exact subject of her Resolution. The Newspaper said it was about dropping the lawsuit "halting the appeal", the Commissioner's office said it was about rescinding the previous vote. Minor but major.)


Anonymous said...

The cattle show wasn't funded? Now Souto's change of heart makes sense. I also couldn't understand his new open government crusade.

Anonymous said...

It is time for Floridians to vote out republicans and give democrats a chance to make life better for all of us. the dixiecrats have failed miserably. Time for a change.

Anonymous said...

The majority of County commissioners are pond scum. (Am I being disrespectful to pond scum?)