Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Miami Herald is Accepting Donations...Somewhere. By Youbetcha'

Fox News reported that YOU have an opportunity to save the Miami Herald by pressing a link at the bottom of online stories to make a donation. Sort of like supporting your church...or a panhandler.

Oh Dang! I can't find the button. I was ready to give them some money to pay for the free version of the newspaper that everybody reads. The Herald says 5 million different readers visit its website each month. It appears they have almost as many readers as Eye On Miami.


Anonymous said...

The Herald needs to remove those flammable super billboards from the sides of their building. I'm going to call the fire marshal to shut that stupid building down. Rather give my money to the real needy.

It is almost pathetic said...

:) What were they thinking?

If a donation button doesn't put morale in the toilet, nothing will.

Actually, you can "buy" the digital version for 1.99 a month. I prefer paper for 19.00 a month, it is more portable.

The Jolly said...

Dolan saw the writing on the wall . . .