Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Downward Trend for Miami-Dade Foreclosures? By Geniusofdespair

The November 2009 numbers are finally posted. There were 3,860 foreclosures, that is down a bit over a thousand from last November. It is the least we have had in a month since January 2008 (3,544). I hope this is the beginning of a downward trend. In 2007 we had 26,391 foreclosures, in 2008 we had 56,656. This year, with a month to go, we have already had 58,321. My guess is we will reach at least 62,000 at 2009 year end. That is almost 8 times as many foreclosures as Miami-Dade had in 2005!


Cato said...

It must be because Obama saved the ECONOMY!!!!! HURRAY FOR OBAMA HE IS SAVING THE ECONOMY!!!!!
and the environment
and GM
and healthcare
and Afghanistan and IRAQ.........
Seriously its all got to end sometime, maybe when the last person in Miami Dade gets foreclosed.

Anonymous said...

Less foreclosures just means lenders i.e. banks et al are just delaying foreclosures so that they do not have to pay maintenance on units they take over.