Saturday, November 14, 2009

Your Taxes at Work or Gathering Dust? By Geniusofdespair

Stephen Stock over at CBS Channel 4 Looked at the Carry-Over policy of money not used by our County Commission. Hit the link.


Anonymous said...

I wish they would return our tax dollars. This is an outrage.

Anonymous said...

See, the real problem is not that they are carrying the money over but that they get the money to begin with. Once once accepts that there is going to be slush funds, having them return the unused portions would be punitive for the commissioners that dont spend it all at once. Prohibiting carryover would just make commissioners spend more freely and quickly. Look at Barbara Jordan, she cant spend it quick enough and is already asking for more.
The whole fact that they get these funds is the real problem, how wuickly they spend it is not as troubling.

Anonymous said...

There are rumors in almost every community that they give the money to non-profits who in turn split their awards with the providing Commissioner. I don't think these awards are audited so you can't see exactly how the money was spent and put the rumors to rest.

Anonymous said...

Palm Beach county scamissioners did this for years.They get 1 million each.It is a travesty that all elected officials are corrupt and continue to take bribes,kick-backs,and we let them.The tea party is picketing Gore and do not have one clue how the real money is being wasted daily.