Saturday, November 14, 2009

City of Miami Hosts FREE Laura Izibor Concert Last Night in Bayfront Park. By Geniusofdespair

The City of Miami's Downtown Development Authority (awful Neisen Kasdin is on their Board) did something right. They had a free concert in Bayfront Park with Irish (yes, as she noted there are Blacks in Ireland) Singer Laura Izibor who has a voice that echoed through the park - check out the link of her singing "Shine" she is terrific. Watching a concert in the Park was fantastic, they planted oaks and palms it really is something to see. Thanks DDA for the concert! Photo by Michael Russell.


Anonymous said...

The DDA does a lot of good things. Just because someone is on a board does not tarnish the entire effort of the organization. Unfortunately, I see bad times ahead for the DDA with their City funding. I dont think Mayor Tommy will care about downtown as much as Manny did.

Anonymous said...

I think the jury is out on what the new mayor will want from the DDA. I think the agency has made a remarkable turnaround since Macy's pitched a fit over the deplorable state of downtown streets.

The new Director for the agency has been busy focusing them on adding street trees, cross-walks and stuff like that which has made a notable improvement in the feel of the downtown streets. Not that it has become Paris or something, but the attention to the little things seems to be the hallmark of the incoming mayor. He may want to continue down that path. Let's hope so.

Adding a little night-life to the area to serve the new downtown residents as they struggle to maintain their half-empty condos is a good idea too.

You can't fight sprawl if the alternative - living downtown - isn't an improvement to suburbia.

Anonymous said...

Downtown is a dump and the $240,000 per year inexperienced Executive Director is part of the problem.

Geniusofdespair said...

A readers complained about some of the comments on this post, stop leaving rude/untrue comments...I had to clean this up, damn it was only a concert review.