Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ghost City in China wants sister city in Florida ... by gimleteye

Here is an amazing video of a ghost city in Inner Mongolia where the big money is apparently in extracting and burning coal. The idea of building a city where no one lives is an extreme version of what happened during the building boom in Florida. Our ghost suburbs were confected through the enthusiasm of Chambers of Commerce, mortgage brokers, land speculators, and bankers playing with credit. The Chinese are trying to stimulate consumer demand domestically to replace the rapid decline in exports. The difference: China actually has real money earned from supplying us cheap products. Watching this video from the perspective of Florida's own ghost suburbs, this video is a Fun House of Horrors.

And if you want to see another amazing one, here is a short video clip of empty freight cargo ships anchored off Singapore, the recession/depression's ghost fleet waiting for cargo.


Geniusofdespair said...

Wow this city looks like Chernobyl.

Anonymous said...

A city without an economy...that sounds familiar. Like Sprawl.

South Florida Lawyers said...

Unbelievable. They can have anything west of the turnpike?