Thursday, November 12, 2009

On the Barf Meter: Fox News Report on a Rubio Fundraiser. By Geniusofdespair

The Fair and Balanced reported Nov. 11th:

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's sons plans to hold a private fundraiser for insurgent GOP Senate candidate Marco Rubio next month, Rubio told Fox News. The active involvement of George P. Bush (pictured) and Jeb Bush Jr. in the race raises the possibility that their father could endorse Rubio down the road and give his campaign added momentum against the GOP front-runner, Gov. Charlie Crist.

The Conservative Republicans are continuing with an "eat your own" strategy which proved unsuccessful in Upstate New York but who knows how it will fly in Florida, land of the wackos. Like our friends in the animal kingdom, the party initially overproduces Republican candidates and then later exorcises some of the inferior (moderate) Republicans.


Anonymous said...

Great move by the Bush family.
Marco Rubio all the way!
Take Back America 2010.

Anonymous said...

I don't like any of the Florida Senate race candidates. If there is an upside.....My vote for the best line reporting on this:

"The Conservative Republicans are continuing with an "eat your own" strategy"

How true!

swampthing said...

Would be great if Noelle Bush would join in support, as the poster child for Rubio.