The second photo is the box that sex offenders must carry with them so that their ankle bracelets will work. The sex offender I spoke to said he served his 8 years, all he wants is a job and to get out from under the bridge. He pulled a two page resume out of his backpack. I guess I should have read it to see how he covered the 8 years of incarceration. He wasn't too fond of Ron Book, complaining about money earmarked for housing for Sex Offenders that has not been used for that purpose. Anyway, he said there were about 80 people still living there, in the expanded bridge area. More photos, taken with a real camera this time:

I have seen this going on for weeks and I am shocked that the Herald hasn't written anything (that I have seen) about it. What further shocks me is that the people who live near there aren't burning down city hall over this.
The tents and campsites are increasing. The State of Florida and its departments FDOT and the Department of Corrections are to blame. The State of Florida should get the tents and sqatters removed.
Just sayin' They have been there for weeks and the Herald hasn't written anything about it because NOTHING has happened. Fearing these people is a waste of our brains. They have self-selected and revealed themselves to be the harmless ones. The dangerous ones are lurking somewhere else outa sight.
It's just not an appropriate place. It's still a freakin' public park, in case City of Miami officials have forgotten this. Waiting for the Museums to show up and clean up the place is not an answer.
Museums? What do museums have to do with the Julia Tuttle Causeway?
If you are referring to the broke Miami Science Museum or the broke Miami Art Museum how could they help? They depend on the taxpayers and the taxpayers money to keep their lights on.
and meanwhile, I get a ticket for a headlight being out.
The sex offenders under Julia Tuttle have been there for YEARS...
They should use Watson Island. Keep them next to the Children's Museum. Maybe I will rent a bus and move them to Watson Island. I think I'll do it to get national attention.
To get national attention you'll have to stop being anonymous.
Maybe the sexual offenders could move into the Miami Art Museum space downtown? That would be perfect. That way the public would never see them.
Thank you for posting this and for taking the time to actually inquire after accurate information without judgment. Check out how our Dem AG hopefuls are tossing about the JT political football here: Democratic AG Hopefuls Play the Julia Tuttle Fear Card .
Sunny/Smashed Frog
Great idea. Put the sexual offenders in the Miami Art Museum. That way they get bathrooms and they get a roof over their heads AND no one will see them.
Before everyone goes bleeding heart on this subject, just remember that Miami_Dade county and the state of Florida have failed dismally on the issue that more than half of these men are Criminal Aliens. They have floated onto our shores or slithered across borders to feast on the land of Milk and Honey, when in fact they feed off our children.
Florida Corrections have released over 240,000 criminal aliens back onto our streets and neighborhoods, when by rights they should have been deported. Florida has more sex offenders for no other reason than the weather and the lack of will by Immigration to deport them. Florida citizens and Parents are in preservation mode. We are not giving up one foot of residency restrictions until these agencies we pay and un Godly amount of money start enforcing the laws that were written with the blood of our children. Stop allowing offenders who committ their crimes in other states to freely move into Florida! Deport the third worlders who only wreak havoc and pain on our citizens, give longer prison sentences to those who abuse our children. Floridians must demand these actions and demand them now. To feel sympathy for a guy who has targeted children for his own sexual fulfillment, then have that same poor excuse for DNA demand in Spanish, we house, clothe and feed him is the height of insanity.
Did you ever here of a word called
Xenophobia, Valigator? Look it up.
Go down there and check the guys out. You might be surprised on who is there.
Also, this housing under the bridge is only at night, when most kids are home sleeping. The sex offenders do not have to stay there during the day when kids are in school or at playgrounds.
Do your research.
Xenophobia? Thats it, thats all you got?
I have been down there, and after that I researched all the convicted sex offenders in the Miami-Dade Registry. You know the ones WITH Addresses. Fully half of those shouldnt be standing on US soil. For every foot these foriegn criminal nationals take its one less foot for American Citizens, even if those citizens are Sex Offenders. Your so eat up with your percieved injustice to offenders, your blind to the fact they not only take your residency footage, but they take your jobs, they take your benefits and they take away any semblance of fair and rational treatment for offenders. For every RSO who comes here from another state, for every offender who should have been deported but wasnt, it takes alot more than your "Percieved Injustice".
Xenophobia, I am sure you grabbed that from the word of the month club, but any word you want to use doesnt negate the fact that in Florida at least, no one, absolutely no one can approach this subject without acknowledging the fact we have a disproportionate amount of bad guys in a limited space for no other reason than the beaches are better.
This is a State of Florida problem.
This is a state problem and Florida department of Corrections recieves the largest part of its budget, but the state doesnt want to spend the money on this or any other problem with offenders so they release them back out onto the streets to feed...and throw the problem back onto the citizens...the citizens deep in their heart know what to do...leaving it up to the STATE has gotten us where we are now...
Florida seems to be the land of the paradox. We know registered sex offenders re offense rate is extreemly low, so we freak out about it and let our public think that registered sex offenders are behind every bush.
We know that treatement, security, a home, a job, and feeling part of the community reduces re offense so we kick them out of all the comunity, restrict them from working almost everywhere and restrict them from living almost everywhere. WE call them monsters and we allow vigilanties to harass them to the point of murder.
We know that 90% of new child molestations are comitted by first time offenders, and that 90% of THOSE are parents, caregivers, and close friends yet we focus all our resourses and attention on the ones with a 3.5-13% chance of offending. We warn our kids about strangers but do not talk to them about Uncle Henery, the Coach, the Youth Minister.
The comunity yells NIMBY,yet where the heck do they think these people are going to go?? Just disapear off the face of the earth?
It ain't gonna happen.
They are so afraid of a released former sex offender yet they do all they can to close down the few places that we have that actually help them and monitor them like St. Francis. That is the BEST of all possible solutions for an offender just getting out of prison or who is on probation... yet again, NIMBY so lets put a park within 2 blocks. These are people who are cutting their noses off to spite their faces. They are allowing their hatred to have reign over good common sense and the REAL protection of their children. WE need REAL answers and REAL solutions, not magical thinking and people who make the situation worse.
CBS/ AP) Updated 11:01 a.m. EDT
Authorities believe a body found under trash in a landfill is that of 7-year-old Somer Thompson, a north Florida girl who disappeared on her walk home from school, the sheriff in charge of the case said Thursday.
The clothing and the birthmark found on the body "did match" that of Somer's, Sheriff Rick Beseler told CBS's "The Early Show" Thursday.
Detectives spotted the legs first and found the body partially covered by garbage Wednesday in a Georgia landfill near the Florida state line, after investigators followed garbage trucks leaving the neighborhood where the child disappeared Monday.
Somer's father and other family members were "torn up" after hearing the news, aunt Laura Holt said. She hopes authorities will find her niece's killer.
"I don't think they deserve to live," Holt said. "I don't think there's anything worse that a person can do - to kill a child and dump her in the dump like a piece of trash?"
"Things just got worse for you guys"
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