It is hard not to be a little giddy about gambling at Miami International. I've been to a lot of the world's great airports, and I've never seen slot machines at any of them. Sorry, but slot machines at Miami International would just be so @#R#$ crass. I mean really: is that how we want to greet visitors from around the world? There is another aspect to my light headed vertigo. This is a county and a state where a Republican majority of elected officials have always leaned on "values voters". . I didn't think gambling fit with the conservatives' program; partly why Florida lawmakers insisted that the only way to legalize slot machines was in a facility that also contained horse racing. You wouldn't want kids skipping Sunday school to play slots at the local Seven Eleven.
Under this burden of needing a horse track to gin up slot machines inside the passenger terminals, Miami airport officials have been floating this ridiculous plan that is moving, nevertheless, with the force of unfunded budget deficits toward the county commission. They don't give a flying fig about horses. Whatever gets thrown together by way of quarter track racing is going to be a sad sack place-- with its own opportunities for corruption. I suggested, tongue in cheek, that the quarter horse track be put on one of the swales between the taxiing runways and the main runways, so passengers could watch on the way outbound and inbound. The airport gambling ploy shows Miami Dade really is a county run by bottom feeders. Excuse my values.
So here is what was slipped in: adding "gaming establishments ("limited to Miami International Airport only").

There were two issues before the PAB yesterday: one, the application by Florida Power and Light for mining millions of cubic yards of lime rock in South Dade for new nuclear fill pads; withdrawn at the last minute. The FPL attorney cited that a new application would be forthcoming, under easier rules for getting beyond an angry, irritated public that has more influence with state-wide elected officials than with the local scavenger species; the unreformable majority of the county commission. Both these applications-- FPL and the airport horse track casino-- demonstrate why changes to comprehensive plans really should be voted on, by the local electorate. Florida Hometown Democracy is coming in 2010. All these awful plan changes hope to squeak through, well before their instigators have to rev up the fear machine with the voters of Florida.
Wow, horse racing and slots at MIA. Let's add dog racing, Jai Lai and bingo. In fact why have the airport at all? Ft Lauderdale is a far better bang for the buck. Mia has lots of restaurants, bars, shops (just like Vegas) and ticket windows. What a bonanza for the county. Of course, the cruise industry and the Seminoles may not be too happy but who needs um. Sounds like the kind of wrong-headed plan the commission would approve.
Any schools near the airport concourses? Maybe Ron Book can move the Tuttle Causeway inhabitants to the duty free zone. Who the hell is behind this one?
Clarence was right, George,
you're gonna see a lotta strange things in Potterville
I asked my friends from out of State to read this Blog, in particular, this airportissue and the "Boondoggles".
In my very unscientific poll of 20+ friends who did, 100% asked if this was happening in the United States. Another 100% stated they would never live in Florida, and I believe I somehow ended up above 100%(I'm assuming some cheated and voted twice), they'd never live or visit Dade County.
Other comments were "are you kidding"; "how are these people still in office"; "Vegas has slots at their airport, no horses though and look at their foreclosure/unemployment rate, the only common thread among the two"; "Miami is now #1 in boondoggles"
Hey! They forgot to include wrestling and bingo. Gotta have something for everyone.
I live in Chicago, so nothing surprises me. Dade has NOTHING on Chicago.
I just wish y'all would stop giving Da Mare King Richie ideas. If he reads about this, he's gonna want slots at O'Hare and Midway, especially since he never got his downtown casino.
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