Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Muck Monster" sited at County Hall ... by gimleteye

What makes ripples and does not come above the surface? In the Lake Worth Lagoon the muck monster has been filmed by environmentalists, reported on local television, and become a national media sensation, including an appearance on the Top 10 list of David Letterman. Who knew? The question; what kind of creature could evolve to survive the estuary highly polluted by run-off from sugar farms? At Eyeonmiami, our trackers have spotted similar inexplicable movements of creatures in the well in front of the dais at County Chambers. They also make ripples and don't come to the surface. One can infer their presence by reactions of the unreformable majority of the county commission.


Anonymous said...

I've seen the muck monsters during commission meetings. They cluster in the foyer outside the chambers so most do not see them. They are in disguise with lots of wires and electronics encircling their bodies. If you look carefully, you will see them.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes they are huddled near the window on their phones...