Saturday, August 22, 2009

Divorced from reality: this Recession-slash-Depression is far from over ... by gimleteye

Declaration of victory over economic calamity by Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke seem a mistake of huge strategic dimensions. A divorce lawyer I know told me yesterday, divorce filings are down thirty percent: couples can’t afford to separate because their single biggest asset—the house—can’t be sold. Some couples are finding their way through. On the other hand, my friend has had more clients from domestic violence in the past year than the prior thirty years combined. It is not that she is looking for trouble. According to the Federal Reserve, the recession is over. If that is true, then domestic violence is a lagging economic indicator. But I don't think so.


youbetcha' said...

Requests for social services are up,,, the impact of back to school and people losing their jobs has resulted in caregivers asking for help with food, rent and children's needs.

There are so many multiple family households these days it is not funny. Where we would find an occasional illegal living unit attached to house has now become normal. You will even find a 12 x12 "workshop" in the back housing a family or even more telling multiple, non-related people living within the same house. People are scrambling to house and feed the kids.

These families were not what I would consider poverty level, since they were managing to have a car and house. But, with job loss so out of control, the basic living situations of the community has deteriorated as people struggle with basic needs.

You will not notice the multiple family households since they are hidden. But you can travel along the turnpike and look into back yards where you can see the illegal units. It is going to turn entire areas into slums as folks try to keep a roof over their heads. Mayor and Commissioners need to "tune" in to the situation.

Those folks living in areas such as Pinecrest would never guess what is happening in their neighboring cities and communities. (Not that they care or wish to know.)

The current economy has caused people to do things that they never would have considered to do just to stay afloat.

It is a good thing that code enforcement is small and busy. They don't have time to deal with the impromptu housing.

I am just afraid of what the neighborhoods with all the illegal units will look like after a hurricane . Will the death toll go up? Perhaps the Shelter in Place program is the wrong way to go???

Cato said...

Youbetcha, pinecrest is under water and foreclosures there are as bad as anywhere else.
There are many reasons for this catatrophe but two shine brighter than others, bad monetary policy and the exponential growth of government budgets at all levels over the past 40 years (which has to be paid for somehow)The growing budgets where covered by an inflationary money policy, today we must pay the piper.
We will only get out of this if the government recedes to a level that is affordable to the citizens otherwise this decline will continue indefinetely.

Anonymous said...

Government budgets are crushing South Florida. Firemen making $300,000 for 3 day weeks? 100% pensions? Stupid.

Watch the stock market start another slide down.