Is this just another case of: How Ya' Gonna Keep 'Em Down On the Farm, After they've Seen Paree? Or is this more sinister, like is Sarah Palin going to tour the country and spew Republican speak for 4 years to torture us? Maybe it it is just the rumors about a criminal investigation that have been swirling around her. Indicted? We should only be so lucky. Here is her resignataion speech. After listening, I am afraid we are going to get 4 years of babble. At least she isn't a total media whore. Who, but an idiot, would announce something big on a holiday weekend in the shadow of the demise of the King of Pop?
I disagree with your assessment. She is a media whore, but this announcement was the product of a rush. My guess is someone told her she is a person of interest (target) in a criminal inquiry. As you know, Friday afternoon is the time to announce something that you would rather bury. With her typical ineptitude for anything other than self-promotion, she blew that, too.
Palin has the right wing base of the Republican party, but the more she speaks, the fewer outside the base support her. Whatever she does after leaving office, she will not be a viable presidential candidate 2012. Palin will have the opportunity to follow the money, which is probably the direction she will take.
I am eternally grateful that Palin did get us off the Jackson topic. I don't care what she did on Friday, as long as we are off Michael.
Well, it is fun to be back on politics light-side again. It has been kind-of a downer since the election.
Although Korea could bring us right back to reality again. :(
Media Whore? She's the best! Palin on the cover of the NY times in a red suit on the 4th of July? What can be more patriotic than that?
the other M
What would be more patriotic? Palin's mugshot on the cover of every major daily newspaper in the country when and if she's indicted.
I think she will take a TV or radio show to get her name out there for 2016.Then again, another family scandal could be brewing.
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