More than 1,000 migrant children in Homestead have been deprived of specialized education and after-school programs designed to keep them on par with other public school students. Director of Housing in Homestead, Ed Carrera, gave the final mandate that the migrant students, children of Mexican migrant farmworkers, would not receive an education or vital after-school programs in the labor camps in which they live. The debate between migrant families and supporters and Carrera has been going on since 2007, but finally came to a climax on Monday, June 29, when the families of the children hosted a protest against Carrera’s policies. Friday the Miami Herald reported on the protest: Calling it a lease dispute. It isn't. The protest, held at Redland Labor Camp, hosted more than 200 people.
Superintendent Alberto Carvahlo, was scheduled to attend; he was the lone person who had the power to override Carrera’s decision to end education in the labor camps. He never came. Many said that this was the third time Carvahlo made the promise to help the migrant children but never followed through. The end result was what many didn't trust what Carrera said and his anger at the protesters was apparent. (hit read more)
At the end of the protest, Carrera took the stage, promised the families he would continue the education in the labor camps for their children, but then it was said he ripped up the contract allowing education in the camps the next morning. One teacher arrived at his classroom at a labor camp that same morning – with 20 students eagerly waiting - to find the gates locked by order of Carrera. The teacher refused to give in, cut the gate’s wire and began giving lessons in the trailer. Carrera called the police and had the teacher and children removed from the classroom.
Most of the migrant education supporters believe that it’s all about politics. Cipriano Garza, Director the Migrant Education for Miami-Dade Public Schools and former Migrant Affairs Director for President Clinton, is a Democrat. He has been very outspoken in previous elections, including the election of current Homestead Mayor, the anti-abortion activist Lynda Bell. Bell, along with Carrera, is Republican. Could it be that Bell and Carrera are seeking revenge against Garza for political comments he made towards them in the past? Many think so.
“This is outrageous,” said one anonymous migrant education advocate. “They (Bell and Carrera) can play dirty politics all they want, but the end result is the suffering of hundreds of innocent children.”
The migrant education program was put in place to provide migrant children, most of whom are American citizens, a supplemental education. The children migrate, sometimes four or five times a year, to different locations and schools so their parents may find work in agricultural areas. Most of the migrant students fall behind in school and suffer mental and emotional hardships from the constant moves. The children also suffer from severe poverty and without supplemental education and after-school programs, they usually end up joining local gangs. In fact, some of the teachers and volunteers in the Homestead migrant education and after-school programs are on the hit lists of Mexican gangs in the community because they have pulled so many of the kids away from that negative environment.
Carrera has been playing a cat-and-mouse games with the migrant families since 2007. He has threatened to pull their migrant education program and after-school programs from them on a constant basis, as well as harassing or threatening the families of these children if they try to protest.
The question remains: why won’t Mayor Bell put a stop to Carrera's shenanigans? Is it because she so desperately wants revenge on Garza that she’ll punish 1,000 innocent children in the process?
We watch the news and see children victimized around the world, and now it’s happening in our own backyard. Homestead Mayor Lynda Bell said she had no authority to interfere. I say " I think you do Lynda and I think you have...in a bad way."
We need your help: Call or email Miami Dade School Superintendent at CarvahloSuperintendent'sOffice@dadeschools.net and also email the School Board Members and demand a stop to playing politics with the future of children.
Is it a coincidence that Bell and Palin should be mentioned on the same day, on the same blog? They always seemed like clones of each other. Maybe they live in a parallel universe.
I imagine Lynda is striving to be a clone of Palin. And unfortunately, she comes way too close to that goal. Counting the ways would be a blog unto it's self.
Cip and Maria Garza (and their family) are kind and generous people. I have known them in many venues and they have always shown class and elegance. They have come from fields and risen to DC, all with great grace and humble service.
They would be the type of people that "evil" ones would focus on. The Garza's receive the love and respect of not only the migrant community, but they also are much beloved among other circles as well.
As you can recall, the politics in Homestead have always been volatile. This is an example of the crud that goes on and it is a form of the corruption that Lynda has aways claimed to oppose.
For all we know, if it is not partisan politics, then it has the earmark of a certain Hispanic group not liking the "other" migrants. Lynda knows the value of using strange bedfellows to get what she wants.
Speaking of wants, Lynda wants Homestead to be the New Coral Gables. To be honest, the migrants are cluttering up the pretty picture. They will be an even greater issue on Washington Ave as the new city hall reaches completion directly in the heart of the migrant downtown area.
No migrants = No farms = BIG mansions on 5 acre parcels = BIG tax value for the city and school board.
I personally think this a stupid waste of taxpayers money. Get the schools open and let those committed teachers teach. If they cannot teach on the holy Homestead Authority property, then Carvahlo needs to drag those spare portables to a site down there and use them.
In fact, there is a very LARGE vacant school that has just been completed in Keys Gate that would house their needs perfectly. That school building, some furniture (even used, not even the new stuff) and some buses would take care of the issue.
They need to stop playing politics and stop playing GOD and start showing some moral kindness.
I am disappointed in the Housing Authority actions and Carvahlo's lack of action. I am not surprised by the School Board's lack of action.
Where is the School Board's District 9 elected official?
Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman (who ran and won against a very ill Evelyn Greer, who could not campaign). He has been missing in action ever since the election. It is time for him to come out of his mancave and take control of the school situation.
Feldman should have been on this issue since the start. Shame on him, if he is not moving on this issue. Should we assume he is on the dark-side as well? Or is he just too busy with his more important constituents in downtrodden Pinecrest?
I agree. And Bell is contradicting herself. One second she claims that she has no idea of this situation and the next second, she saying she has no authority over the problem (hmmm...she seems to use that "no authority excuse a lot!)
She's even worse than Carrera. At least he's showing the world his true colors...she's hiding in the shadows.
Rights are being violated all over the place: the Garzas' rights (shouldn't you be able to speak out politically without fear of someone jeopardizing your job?) and certainly the migrant children's rights. Hello? Most of the kids are American citizens!!!!
Thanks so much for posting the underlying politics of the story the Herald chose to suppress.
In the midst of what sometimes seems like a cesspool of Miami corporate-development right-wing brain-fried greedy goons, your words and commitment to providing some insightful information offer some hope that the principles of free speech still hold out the promise of what democracy means.
Carry on!
Well, thanks. But readers are the ones that tell us about the stories, or in this case, they write them with the help of a bit of editing...keep it up readers.
Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman lives in Palmetto Bay not Pinecrest, and I am looking forward to these children being bused in to our local schools. Coral Reef Elementary should have the room with thier new building.
Does it matter where Feldman lives? The point is... he is NOT where he should be, when he should be.
Ms. Greer being out the picture is not a good thing when it takes cahones to get things sorted out. At least you heard her coming, and she didn't care if you agreed with her or not.
The issue is political and politics stinks in Homestead.
The Garza's were too apparent in the Democratic race last year. They stepped on toes by being non-Republican. I admire their taking a stand, but I fear for their projects, because of the percieved political slight and their raised voices in advocacy.
You would think that the Homestead community would be proud to have people like them in their community. How many Homestead folks (of any political party or ethnicity) get to work in Washington, not to mention the White House?
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