It is after
4 p.m. the people have finally finished their 2 minutes each. The Politicians are talking from other cities. Soon the Commission will debate it. Time to turn on your TV or go to the webcast so you can hear how well they follow their scripts. Damn, not yet, now the Marlin's are speaking. Do your thing for a while longer. Wow, it is almost
5 p.m. and Burgess is talking (he can talk). Maybe I will go to the movies. 6pm: They just got finished talking about how they are going to proceed with amendments. Gimenez's motion failed (with Heyman, Sorenson and I believe Rolle voting with him, Jordan should have as she was arguing the same point but she folded), the Chair prevailed with his procedure for amendments. Bad omen. However the Attorney told them if they put any amendments on, it will have to go back to the City Commission. Dinner...It's
7:49 p.m., if I have to here "Through the Chair" one more time I will jump off my balcony. Moss won't let anyone speak to anyone but him. Bruno Barreiro, since he made the original motion, is able to reject all the amendments. He said he won't approve any that sends it back to the City. This has been so orchestrated, it is a circus.
8:10 p.m Martinez asked, through the Chair, whether the Mayor could guarantee that they would not use general funds for the Marlins. The Mayor, through the Chair, could not.
9:18 p.m.:
Samson looks so happy, he looks like he is about to pee in his pants. He can read the writing on the wall. Souto is rambling on. 9:47 p.m. Katy Sorenson said we should name the new stadium after Bruno Barreiro. Ouch! 10:00 p.m. Katy ended with, I am not going to put any amendments on this, it would be like putting lipstick on a fish. Pepe Diaz is speaking now. Looks to me like my prediction is pretty accurate. We are going to get a stupid stadium. They aren't through but I am. 10:26 p.m. They are voting now on a few items, 10 to 3, 11 to 2, 12 to 1, 10 to 3. You get how this is going. Damn, I was typing so I missed the final vote. I would suppose it was 10 to 3 (Gimenez, Sorenson, Heyman) but I am not sure. Now I am sure: add Martinez: 9 to 4, one short.
NEWS FLASH: Today when Ms. Yvonne Stratford and Tony Romano walked out of the County Chambers with 40 other residents they were arrested. They are being brought to Miami-Dade Jail to be processed. They were chanting -- see photos of the arrest on the Herald site, they took the 2 of them in the ante chamber.
Through the chair:
Think Moss is getting little anal about his importance?
Through the chair:
Robert's Rules are dumb when they get extreme.
Go Katy Girl!!!!!!!! Love her!
yada yada yada..................
Hope you have your boots on GOD it must be knee high by now.
Tell me Bruno was not comparing Manhattan to Downtown Miami.
Indeed he was, and Little Havana to South Beach.
Unforgettable comments:
#1 "Lipstick on a fish." Katy Sorenson
#2 "I got my amendments in at the city vote, the apprentice trainees and felons as workers on the project." Audrey Edmonson
#2 should insure at least a one year delay on the construction, but I doubt the main firm will use non-professionals, they have a good track record of coming in on time.
Voting in favor of the stadium were Commissioners Dennis Moss, Bruno Barreiro, Audrey Edmonson, Natacha Seijas, Javier Souto, Barbara Jordan, Dorrin Rolle, Jose ''Pepe'' Diaz and Rebeca Sosa.
the enemy list.
Not enemies: they are the unreformable majority plus two (Sosa and Moss)
Naw. They are the sky box royalty. I suppose Alvarez and Burgess get their own.
I suppose Alvarez can now say he accomplished someting during his 'weak' Majorship.
oh yes. everything that happens now will directly be related to him, whether he ever had a clue about it or not.
Can you imagine what Miami-Dade county would be like if we had 13 commissioners with the common sense of Katy Sorenson? Alas, it's not to be. I'm glad it's out in the open about using money from the general fund. I can't stop thinking about how much it's going to cost to repair the retractable roof the first time it breaks. Or maybe it just will never be opened, for fear they won't be able to close it. Oh, and did you like the ammendment about using the stadium as a "disaster site" - ahh, yes, Miami, following right along in the New Orleans tradition of stuffing your super stadium full of the poor and ignorant on the day the big Hurricane strikes. This place is truly for the birds. If this board truly represents a cross-section of Miami-County we are so royally screwed.
It is the unreformable majority minus one: Martinez and plus two: Sosa and Moss.
Lets be clear, Martinez voted for the Deal. I don't care what he says. If the no-bid was not approved, the Deal would have died. His no vote on the first round meant nothing. He wanted his cake and he ate it to. We cannot allow him to claim he voted against the deal, as he knows full well that he voted for the deal by voting yes on the no-bid. He is still a member of the nonreformable majority.
unreformable not nonreformable
...and I like your analysis.
Thank you on the analysis... Unreformable majority, that is right. My point, Joe is still very much a part of it. Remember, he is the one that asked if the vote could be bifrucated. This was his plan all along. The fact that Souto flipped made his potential no-vote on the no-bid moot, however, that flip was on Friday. Had Souto held strong (despite the parks fund bribe), then they would have approved the Deal with a simple majority vote, and the no-bid, with Martinez voting with the rest of them. This deserves a seperate topic on the blog. He cannot be allowed to claim an adverse position to the Stadium. He believes that we are that dumb, but we are not. This man wants to be our Mayor. We need to knock him down every chance we get if we want some real change!
"Change" I hate that word!
Martinez voted for the Marlins bailout. Putz.
I thought I called dibs on "Putz"...That is my word for people I won't even bother arguing with because it just isn't worth any of my time.
"Putz." That is all they get.
Martinez did get one good thing on the record: That the hotel tax money could be used for other things. It just required a vote from the Florida Legislature. Audrey Edmonson framed her question to the county attorney which made it SEEM like the bed tax money was more restricted than it was.
Even though I watched Heroes, I still could follow the meeting during commercials.
Tourism is the economic engine of South Florida. Too bad a majority of the Miami-Dade commissioners missed that course in school. Oh, I forgot. A majority of the commissioners never graduated from college.
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