Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Extreme Ice ... FPL and nuclear power at sea level ... by gimleteye

Completely lost in the discussion of Florida Power and Light's bum-rush to build two new nuclear reactors at Turkey Point, costing rate payers more than $18 billion, is what happens in the course of events if sea level rise occurs rapidly and requires the decommissioning of the power plant. (Please click, 'read more'.)

Recently, I posted a Youtube video addressing readers who are still skeptical about global warming.

Last night there was an outstanding episode of Nova, the PBS series, called Extreme Ice. Nova teamed up with National Geographic to fund an expedition to document the astonishing melting of glacial ice around the world. If you have an internet connection, you can watch the entire video from the documentary's website. I wonder if documentary evidence is a better tool than logic. Scientists pose the question: is there anything we can do to reverse rapid melt of ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic?

That question cannot be answered within any timeframe of the living. One thing we can do is abandon the unlimited liability of building nuclear power at sea level. When the sea starts coming in, who is going to be left to take Turkey Point apart? And who is going to fund that exercise in madness?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't the cooling canals that already exist at sea level? What happens to that???