Friday, February 13, 2009

Voters: watch this day of importance ... by gimleteye

The question for this day when city and county commissions in Miami vote on a new baseball stadium for the Florida Marlins, that could cost nearly $2 billion in the long-term of taxpayer obligations, is this: are local public officials aware the economy is mired in a near depression and, moreover, that their actions in furtherance of bad development policies are partly the cause?

Back in the day when debt flowed freely as champagne at a condo sales opening party, putting public dollars to work for private special interests was just another day at city and county hall. Things changed, in a very big way.

Local elected officials who claim that building a new sports stadium will be a "stimulus" to the economy reflect Florida's low educational statistics. There is no rationale for spending public tax dollars, or committing future taxpayers, to any project that doesn't stimulate long term economic growth and jobs. The investment in a sports stadium is hit-and-run economics; more or less par for the course in Florida.

It has taken a near-depression to arouse voters from their complacency. In coming years, public officials who cast votes in favor of a hand-out to a wealthy sports team owner could likely be back in the private sector, thrown out by voters and competing for places in employment lines.


Hybrid said...

This Marlin Stadium issue concerns me enormously. I live in Miami Beach, represented by Bruno Barreiro on the Miami-dade County Commission and I am upset by his support of a Stadium that will not benefit me and my neighbors, in fact is likely to siphon funds we need locally for our New World Symphony project and more "globally" for the M.B. Convention Center. I have e-mailed my views to Barreiro more than once and attended the rally at the Gleason Theater on Tuesday.

I agree that if Barreiro is seen to vote "For" the Stadium, I will do everything in my available time and funds to unseat him in the next election and encourage my neighbors to do the same, sending him back to the private sector if at all possible.

On a related note, am I missing something or are these Miami-Dade Government hearings NOT broadcast in English on TV or radio? If not, why not? I have lived in both urban and non-urban venues and have always been able to view local government proceedings. Can someone fill me in?

Geniusofdespair said...

The county commission meeting will be on TV after 1 pm...(my station is in the 60's or 70's - channel surf). You can watch inarticulate Bruno live! I am told you can watch the city meeting on the web. However, you are in fantasy land if you think you can unseat Bruno. You haven't been reading our blog long I take it... read our archives...we have analyzed the elections to death. Actually that is why this blog was started: Frustration over the futility of having county commission elections.

Hybrid said...

Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am new to Miami politics and was motivated by this issue to "smarten-up." "Eye on Miami" jumped out as a viable source (I hope it really is). You will be hearing from me again with comments and questions. Forgive my "naivety." One needs to start somewhere--and I will read the Archives.

Anonymous said...

Watch these crooks live:

Anonymous said...

Im happy that Regalado and Sarnoff has stone walled this issue.
However who the hell does Sanchez think he is? You should've heard some of the accusations coming out of his mouth.

Anonymous said...

And where are the BCC geniuses? It's past 4 pm, already 3 hrs. late than what they advertised their hearing would start. Confering among themselves, as usual, violating the Sunshine Law?

Anonymous said...

This deal is heading for the trash bin of history. Clearly a miracle if it goes down - kind of like the virgin birth except there are no virgins in the brothel of Miami politics. The miraculous birth of Michelle Spence's child may be a huge gift to the community.

Anonymous said...

The Marlins scam is nothing but a No-Money-Down No Income No Income Verification No Assets Loan. The taxpayers must pay $2 billion and the Marlins put up less than 1%. (Much less.)

And the idiots at the County want to use adjustable rate bonds. Called Capital Appreciation Bonds or some such deceitful name. Nothing but another adjustable rate scam which were helped send our counrty towards a depression.

Anonymous said...

Can't the County Commissioners see the obvious? They cannot afford a $2 billion stadium which primarily serves to add $500 million to the Net Worth of one owner of one private company.