Tuesday, February 17, 2009

State Legislature Under-Funds Miami-Dade Schools: Let’s Blame it on Marco Rubio. By Geniusofdespair

Mario Artecona of the Miami Business Forum, in a Op Ed in the Miami Herald, said we can blame the Florida Legislature for a $50 million loss per year to our schools.

He said that the constitution mandates each student get the same allocation from the State, however there was a District Cost Differential (DCD) because it is more expensive to live in urban areas, and Miami Dade received extra funds. In 2004 the legislature cut the DCD funding according to Artecona, resulting in a loss of $25 million to our schools in one year (loss of cumulative funding of $300 million). Wasn’t that when our wonder-boy, Marco Rubio, was dispensing his magic in Tallahassee?

He outlines another $25 million loss from a legislative change. He says it unfair of the UTD and the public, only blaming the school district for budget woes (plenty of blame to go around Mario?):

“...the UTD and the general public would be well served to direct their frustration toward the Legislature...”


Anonymous said...

Actually, it was a COLA to urban counties, and a similar one for transportation for rural counties because they have to bus students further. It was established by Governor Graham, and, you are right, it disappeared in '04 as a promise for Marco Rubio to be Speaker if he talked his Republican coharts in So. FLA to vote against it. However, they left the one for the rural counties!?!?!

Why is it this is not public knowledge? Why don't people know that Gov. Martinez pulled the Education Budget from FL's budget when the lottery was voted in? So in essence, FL has lost millions of dollars that the general public is unaware of! Why does our media cover this up? Could it be...

Anonymous said...

Parents are starting to take notice;check out the web site www.supportdadeschools.net, you'll see a grassroots effort directed at Florida legislators.

Anonymous said...

Is Artecona trying to make himself relevant these days?

That guy's career has been in witness protection ever since he tried to roll over the commission with his plan for an Aviation Authority.

He sure miscalculated on that one.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the plug. Always nice to spout off on the herald's nickel.

to poster M: Thanks for the laugh, you made my day. Witness relocation. Good one. You should write for Natasha. For the record,Ive had a few more failures (albeit none with as much flair) since the airport authority, you must not be playing close attention.
I do thank you for spelling my name right though...the M must stand for meticulous.

Mario Artecona

Anonymous said...

I do appreciate someone who takes it all in stride and not too personally.


Geniusofdespair said...

M stands for Moderate in his head (he is a "he" as he admitted to a wife). In our head he is NAM - Not a Moderate, one of our favorites, although disagreeable.