Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jeffrey Loria: Simple, he just won't die. By Geniusofdespair

Jeffrey Loria, Marlins Owner (first row - first seat on far right) February 13th at Miami City Hall. He is the man who promises not to die for a long time to combat complaints about the death clause in the Marlin's contract that would leave the governments short-changed. Does he look healthy?


amo said...

Maybe he'll open up his medical records, to seal the deal.

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Loria never opened his financial records to the County or to the City. No way he will disclose his medical records.

Read the documents and the exhibits carefully. The Marlins put up almost no money. They borrow the rent from the County. They borrow, in 2 years, their contruction money from banks. (If the banks refuse to give them money the County and the City get stuck again). They forced the County to reimburse them for their start-up costs, including all the expenses for attorneys, lobbyists and "friends".

Why shouldn't the County and the City get their money back when Loria sells? (By the way, who is the controlling shareholder? No mention in the documents.) But read the documents. No way Loria and David Samson will let the taxpayers get a cent. And who negotiated this scam on behalf of the County?

Anonymous said...

who negotiated this scam on behalf of the County?

Well the mayor's office thinks its a sweet deal, this from today's Herald:

Vickie Mallette, spokesman for County Mayor Carlos Alvarez -- a key backer of the stadium deal -- said late Friday the mayor still has faith the deal will go through.

''He felt all three parties negotiated in good faith,'' said Mallette. ``Thousands of hours have gone into this deal.''

Anonymous said...

Spence-Jones the black mailer!

Anonymous said...

"...thousands of hours..." County Mayor Carlos Alvarez must be an idiot if he does not know by now he, and hence the County, got completely taken advantage of by the sharpies from NYC. (The Marlins are controled by two men from NYC).

Was it Carlos or George Burgess or both who allowed the Marlins NYC based attorneys to write the documents? And who figured out the bed taxes are not sufficent to cover the massive debt service? Using zero coupon bonds? Wasn't it interest only bonds and "creative financing schemes" that caused the collapse of Wall Street and Americans to lose trillions in Net Worth?

Anonymous said...

If were Loria, and if I had children, I would watch my back....

They may be able to calculate their inheritance better than he assumes. Of course, if he intends to flip the stadium ASAP he is assuming that he will not go missing before the clause goes into usage. That must be what he is banking on (to coin a phrase). Will his kids get a greater inheritance if he flips instead of falls into the inheritance?

Anonymous said...

The Marlins are owned by an offshore corporation. The County has no idea who owns the offshore corp. Maybe the country used to domicile the Marlins corp has no estate taxes?

The Marlins have no desire and no intent to reimburse the taxpayers for the $1.8 billion paid by the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Another Miami-Dade County disaster in the making...