I will take two "River of Grass tables": Gulp! That would be $100,000 to feed 20 people. Where are those rich ladies with the double set of lips when you need them. Adrienne, I promise we will take a good photo of you this time.
Is this party elitist? Maybe a little. To be inclusive I think the Everglades Foundation could have had an "Earwig table" where you can be seated for about $13. That would be a table for people like me who want to hobnob but are willing to brown bag it and use paper napkins.
i guess benevolence is no longer for the shallow pocket crowd.
I believe Paul Tudor Jones is a longtime backer of this group. Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire hedge fund manager who makes $100+ mil per year. He also donates and he is responsible for $100+ mil in annual donations to charities and envirnomental causes.
Once a Paul Tudor Jones charity collected $60 mil at one dinner for his Robin Hood Foundation.
I will take 2 tickets at the earwig table.
You are correct about Paul Tudor Jones, see my post:
Sunday, July 27, 2008
How did Multi-Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones, II Get Involved with the Everglades?
This really does relate to an earlier thread about galas. My opinion doesn't change; just get your photoshop ready to do the face lifts, Genius.
I checked and my designers are already booked for this evening. I will have to send the foundation a 25.00 dollar check instead.
What, no table for noxious slugs or killer bees? Where will Natasha sit?
seriously...you are complaining about an event that raises money for the Everglades?
Did I hear anyone complaining....I didn't hear anyone complaining. You are taking this post too seriously...yes there is the elitism barbs but there is mostly humor "pulling the leg" of the group. Little people can poke fun ....at the expensive fundraisers...can't they?
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