Look at this actual photo from the Miami Herald, the color separation is abysmal. Adrienne Arsht and her rich pal have their lips on their chins. When women spend a bundle to look good at these events, you have a duty to not make them look ridiculous Miami Herald.

Here is a tip, don’t do the Society Page in color. It always looks crappy because you never get the color separations lined up.
I tried to fix it. While I was at it, I fixed the woman's hairdo too!
I knew there was a reason that I never went to society events. I just never realized that the fear that the Miami Herald would be snapping and printing photos was the reason.
I hate that section, anyway. It is like a Brag Book. You look at it and wonder who the hell are these people, what makes them so special (ok...money), and why do I want to read about anything they ate or wore?
Basically, guys and gals, I don't care about any of those things, and if that is the best we can do in Miami for good news, then we are really in a sad state of affairs.
In defense of Society people, they use their fun time raising money for worthy causes. Most parties are fund raisers not just "parties". I just wish they would fund raise for better government. Mostly they help out hospitals and child related stuff.
I am very glad someone does do the fund raising for causes. I don't have an issue with that, because the needs are great and the resources are so few.
However, in my eyes, the parties are for those in attendance. The glam stuff and 'see what you missed' presentation of society reporting tends (in my opinion) to dilute the message of the charity needs and possibly, the good deeds that would be accomplished by the funds garnered from such an event. Where is the sense of doing a good deed, without the need for public recognition?
You can FUN raise, that is a good thing, but you don't want to discourage other donors by making them feel like they can't run with the crowd because they don't have the cash.
Why not take such an event as the one Eye blogged about and make it a NEWS (good news) story about the charity?(it's supporters would be a part of it, but not the main aspect)
Put some wings on the words and give the story flight. A reader may learn something about the charity that is important to them or the charity. One never knows.
Good job with the hair and lips, I will be honored to have you do a re-do, if I ever make the society page. :)
Hey GoD, I think you can add this to your resume for experience towards buying the Herald!
Maybe some of these society folks will chip in and buy the paper for you in exchange for making them look good!
Having said that, I still have a bad opinion of society events as a result of working in the hospitality business for many years.Once I found out how much money these soirees cost( money that could be better spent by the charities themselves)I lost interest in supporting them.
Somehow the idea of a charity having to spend so much money to attract the "philanthropists" that are actually looking for a tax write off just plain makes me angry.
Good points readers..very good.
I am a society person and I would gladly invest in Eyeonmiami. To see my friends' lips on their chin gives me the willies. Will you be publishing a society page soon?
Good idea society person...for a $100 a week I will do a society column and airbrush out all those double chins for nothing!
If I do volunteer work for Eye on Miami, will you skip the $100.00 requirement, and air brush the wrinkles out?
I tried steaming them out before the last gala, but it did nothing besides make me look sunburned... actually, I guess par-boiled, is the more accurate description.
Having gone to just one of these great society events , I hate them. Everybody wants their picture taken and they are there to show off to others how great they are. Decent people put all the money in to the charity. Even the lowly staff that works in these events think they are gods, and G.. forbid they do not know who you are, you are asked to sit in the bleachers. But until the very very rich learn that charity is good for itself and not needed as a way to show off, we will need these events.
Excuse me,I have to get off line, for the evening. I need to go call to have my stylist booked.
Thanks for the reminder.
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