The State of Florida's Dept. of Community Affairs has a laid back attorney with a long ponytail and goatee. There are two interveners on behalf of the State: Mayor Michael Pizzi is representing two county residents at the hearing. Robert Hartsell and Richard Grosso are representing 1,000 Friends of Florida and National Parks Conservation Association. The Administrative Judge hearing the case is Bram Cantor. There were a couple of Lowes Attorneys (at least). It was hard to tell who was who but the Lowes/County side were busy shuffling in boxes the whole time. The Brown application is also part of the hearing, but the Brown family does not appear to be intervening. Why should they, Lowes and the County will do all the work for the Browns... representing them for free.
Actually, it is hard to believe that we the taxpayers are PAYING for this...for Miami Dade County to brazenly fight the State of Florida. What a world.
Former Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs under Chiles, Linda Shelley, is representing one of the plaintiffs.
UDB link doesn't work!
i fixed it....i hope.
Boycott Lowe's!
yes, i removed the horns from the county attorney because of a reader's plea..the man was doing his job is what the reader said. I said: Remember Lt. Calley, he was only "doing his job" in Viet Nam (109 dead). Following orders.
Maybe more people should think about what "doing their job" does to the rest of the world...this was more a statement on that than anything else...but we surely don't want to lose a regular reader...so off with the horns! It wasn't that important to me.
LOL. silly stuff. What is not silly is the county continues to use OUR money to defend lawsuits that hurt the people who live here.
The county commission needs to stop getting our attorneys into stupid lawsuits. OUR county law firm is a BIG cost to the taxpayers...
I am glad to see the state chase this.
One rule on this blog: don't insult the blogger.
I think the more appropriate rule is "Don't Point Out When the Blogger wrongly attacks someone for disagreeing with her position."
For a blog that prides itself on "speaking truth to power," removing that comment is an embarassment.
I'm sorry I pointed out how ridiculous the Lt. Calley comparison was.
Glad you are sorry...it was meant to be over the top...Duh.
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