Actually it is Miami Dade County/Lowes/Brown vs. State of Florida Department of Community Affairs/1,000 Friends of Florida/National Parks Conservation Association/Barry White et al (Represented by Miami Lakes Mayor, Micheal Pizzi). This Hearing should go on for the rest of this week, maybe into next. They spent most of the day on cross exam of two guys from Miami Dade County Planning & Zoning, Mark Woerner of Metropolitan Planning Section endured about 6 or 7 hours over the past two days.
Katy Sorenson's resolution to stop wasting our tax dollars on this trial - defending the UDB move - died for a lack of a second at the last Government Operations Committee meeting (a couple of days ago) with VNS - Vile Natacha Seijas as the chair. Carlos Gimenez made a motion, but nobody seconded it.
I made one mistake in yesterday's post: I said Brown didn't appear to have an attorney. He has Linda Shelley, Former Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs under Governor Chiles. If you don't know what this hearing is about, read yesterday's post or enter "LOWES" in our search above left. Lowes wants to be the closest big box store to the Everglades...very environmentally minded of them.
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OK, who the heck is "Barry White"?
He's a resident living nearby and has been very active in fighting the UDB applications as a citizen.
Interesting how two citizens opposing the UDB applications showed up to testify at court today; none from the other side that bused in a "rent-a-crowd" for the public hearings at County Hall.
Lowe's or the county wouldn't let them testify under oath. Would you? They'd have to answer the question how they came to attend those hearings and who paid them to be there.
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