Sunday, October 12, 2008

Worst Funk Since Hurricane Andrew! By Guest Blogger EyeontheEconomy

Doing a little mindless mental doodling, I realized how tired I am of seeing the glass half-empty. It seems that every moment of my day is spent dodging news that gets more pathetic moment to moment.

Can I tell you how pissed I am?

Hurricane Andrew took the best years of my daughter's young lives…the years when we were supposed to be having fun; doing the Ozzie and Harriet family thing. Instead of ballet and playing soccer, we were living out of town, with the children thrown into new schools under the care of strangers in the afternoons.

Meanwhile as parents, we were focusing all our remaining energy and money (as were all our South Dade neighbors) fighting with contractors, mortgage companies, insurance companies and praying that our jobs would be there for us. I remember Commissioner Seijas during a commission meeting sarcastically stating that she wished that “Hialeah could have an Andrew, so they could have all the economic benefits that South Dade received.” Yes, even our government was working against us.

Well, guess what?

15 years later, my children are now young adults, and we are now missing our pleasure of their first years of fledging adulthood. As the housing market crashes and the Dow dives, we are once again worrying about housing; once again worrying about getting the kids through college; once again being screwed by our mortgage company; while still trying to keep the insurances and taxes paid and once more, praying that we have a job come next week. And yes, again, our government (local, state or national, your choice) is working against us. However, this time, even Commissioner Seijas‘s district can share in our misery and in our painful recovery.

When are the political candidates and our elected officials going to start addressing OUR reality?

There is no hiding it: The glass is not half-empty. It is down to the dregs of our dreams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are all in your shoes to some degree. keep your chin up!